1-1                                     1                                  
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 344
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is proud to
 1-4     recognize the families from the Canary Islands who played a
 1-5     historic role in the founding of the Villa de San Fernando in
 1-6     1731; centuries later, this small settlement has become the
 1-7     City of San Antonio; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, Under the direction of King Philip V of Spain,
 1-9     10 families from the Canary Islands traveled to the province
1-10     of Tejas in 1731 to establish the Villa de San Fernando; and
1-11           WHEREAS, Their journey included many hardships, but the
1-12     families eventually made it to Tejas and were received by
1-13     Captain Juan Antonio de Almazan of the Presidio of Bejar; and
1-14           WHEREAS, Originally housed in the homes of soldiers,
1-15     the settlers were heartened when Viceroy Juan de Acuna,
1-16     Marquez de Casafuerte, sent detailed instructions for the
1-17     survey and distribution of lands for a new settlement; and
1-18           WHEREAS, The Law of the Council of the Indies, the Spanish
1-19     law governing Nueva Espana in 1731, allowed the 10 families to
1-20     organize their own civil government, to receive lands for home
1-21     construction and farming, to lay out a public square, to plan
 2-1     streets, and to build a church and town hall; and
 2-2           WHEREAS, On March 12, 1731, Captain Almazan took the heads
 2-3     of families to the Arroyo, which is present-day San Pedro Creek;
 2-4     he proposed a preliminary division of the lands, until a later
 2-5     time when the settlers might make a more detailed allotment; he
 2-6     also urged them to plant crops before June 30; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, More than three months after Captain Almazan
 2-8     brought the settlers to Arroyo, they had made plans for a town,
 2-9     church, and public square; on July 3, 1731, the settlers
2-10     distributed lots to families who would build their homes next
2-11     to the town church and the Casa Real; a large cross was formed
2-12     at the main entrance of the town's church, and the boundaries
2-13     of the town were delineated; and
2-14           WHEREAS, On July 20, 1731, Canary Islanders established the
2-15     first civil government in their new home when Captain Almazan
2-16     appointed the members of the city council and other officers; and
2-17           WHEREAS, Texas history has been influenced by many
2-18     different cultures and peoples, and it is enlightening to know
2-19     more about those men and women who established the towns and
2-20     villages that would later become thriving, modern Texas cities;
2-21     now, therefore, be it
2-22           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
2-23     77th Legislature, hereby recognize the important role that
 3-1     the Canary Islanders sent by King Philip V of Spain to Tejas
 3-2     played in the development of the City of San Antonio; and,
 3-3     be it further
 3-4           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared to
 3-5     inform all Texans about this interesting note in Texas history.
 3-6                                                            Van de Putte
 3-7                                  ______________________________________
 3-8                                          President of the Senate
 3-9                                       I hereby certify that the above
3-10                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
3-11                                  on February 26, 2001.
3-12                                  ______________________________________
3-13                                          Secretary of the Senate
3-14                                  ______________________________________
3-15                                           Member, Texas Senate