1-1                ****** NEED TWO-PAGE HEADER ******
 1-2                         SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1180
 1-3           WHEREAS, Cuero, Texas, is renowned as the site of a
 1-4     landmark event in Texas history, as it was a starting point of
 1-5     the famed Chisholm Trail and thus the birthplace of countless
 1-6     cattle drives; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, In 1866, Crockett Cardwell of DeWitt County
 1-8     recognized that there was a need for meat in the northern
 1-9     states and an abundance of cattle in Texas, so he called on
1-10     Thornton Chisholm to lead a cattle drive to northern markets;
1-11     this historic drive began on April 1, 1866, at Cardwell Flats,
1-12     just north of the present-day site of Cuero, and included 1,800
1-13     head of Texas longhorns; and
1-14           WHEREAS, The drive lasted seven months and 10 days and
1-15     ended in Saint Joseph, Missouri; over the next two decades, the
1-16     Chisholm Trail would serve as the major route out of Texas for
1-17     livestock, and the income derived from the drives greatly aided
1-18     the Lone Star State in its recovery after the Civil War; and
1-19           WHEREAS, The Chisholm Trail, made famous by Texas cowboys
1-20     and Texas cattle, helped the state to become a leader in the
 2-1     cattle industry, and the City of Cuero can certainly take pride
 2-2     in the historic role it played in the development of this state
 2-3     and nation; now, therefore, be it
 2-4           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
 2-5     77th Legislature, hereby recognize Cuero as a starting point of
 2-6     the Chisholm Trail and the birthplace of numerous Texas cattle
 2-7     drives.
 2-8                                                              Armbrister
 2-9                                  ______________________________________
2-10                                          President of the Senate
2-11                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-12                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-13                                  on May 24, 2001.
2-14                                  ______________________________________
2-15                                          Secretary of the Senate
2-16                                  ______________________________________
2-17                                           Member, Texas Senate