1-1                ****** NEED TWO-PAGE HEADER ******
 1-2                         SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1203
 1-3                                  In Memory
 1-4                                     of
 1-5                             Cecil Wayne Gamble
 1-6           WHEREAS, With the untimely death of Mayor Cecil Wayne Gamble
 1-7     of Shoreacres on April 12, 2001, at the age of 52, his family,
 1-8     friends, and community have lost a great man; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, Born January 31, 1949, Mr. Gamble graduated from
1-10     La Porte High School in 1967; after serving in the United States
1-11     Navy for three years, he began a distinguished 28-year tenure with
1-12     Hoechst Celanese; and
1-13           WHEREAS, A longtime civic leader, Mr. Gamble dedicated
1-14     himself to the betterment of his community for 15 years as a
1-15     respected council member for the City of Shoreacres; he was
1-16     elected mayor in 1994 and continued to work tirelessly in behalf
1-17     of area residents up to the time of his passing; and
1-18           WHEREAS, Mayor Gamble was a devoted husband and loving
1-19     father and grandfather, and having led a life committed to helping
 2-1     others he has left a legacy of good works for which he will long
 2-2     be remembered; now, therefore, be it
 2-3           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
 2-4     77th Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of
 2-5     Cecil Wayne Gamble and extend sincere sympathy to the members of
 2-6     his family:  his wife, Darlene; his daughters, Tammy, Taryn, and
 2-7     Tiffany; his sons, Tim and Kyle; his parents, Frank and Nell Gamble;
 2-8     his brother, Norris Gamble; his sister, Mary Friesleben; his
 2-9     grandchildren; and his other relatives and countless friends; and,
2-10     be it further
2-11           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
2-12     prepared for the members of his family as an expression of deepest
2-13     sympathy from the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns
2-14     this day, it do so in memory of Mayor Cecil Wayne Gamble.
2-15                                                                 Jackson
2-16                                  ______________________________________
2-17                                         President of the Senate
2-18                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-19                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-20                                  on May 25, 2001, by a rising vote.
2-21                                  ______________________________________
2-22                                         Secretary of the Senate
2-23                                  ______________________________________
2-24                                           Member, Texas Senate