Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session
                              April 4, 2001
          TO:  Honorable Bob Turner, Chair, House Committee on Public
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  HB207  by Longoria (Relating to the exemption of certain
               peace officers from regulation under the Private Security
               Act.), As Introduced
*  Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for    *
*  HB207, As Introduced: a negative impact of $(283,238) through the     *
*  biennium ending August 31, 2003, if the effective date of the bill    *
*  is June 1, 2001; and a negative impact of $(261,450) through the      *
*  biennium ending August 31, 2003, if the effective date of the bill    *
*  is September 1, 2001.                                                 *
The following table assumes an effective date of June 1, 2001.
All Funds, Six-Year Impact:
         * Fiscal Year    Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) from   *
         *                      General Revenue Fund          *
         *                              0001                  *
         *      2001                                $(21,788) *
         *      2002                                (130,725) *
         *      2003                                (130,725) *
         *      2004                                (130,725) *
         *      2005                                (130,725) *
         *      2006                                (130,725) *
The following table assumes an effective date of September 1, 2001.
         * Fiscal Year    Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) from   *
         *                      General Revenue Fund          *
         *                              0001                  *
         *      2002                               $(130,725) *
         *      2003                                (130,725) *
         *      2004                                (130,725) *
         *      2005                                (130,725) *
         *      2006                                (130,725) *
Fiscal Analysis
The bill would exempt Reserve Peace Officers from licensing requirements
under the Private Security Act.

The bill would take effect immediately if it receives a vote of
two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, otherwise the bill
would take effect September 1, 2001.
The Texas Commission on Private Security estimates the following loss of
revenue to the State in potential licensing and registration fees:

Seven guard companies not renewed (7 x $300 = $2,100)
254 Letters of Authority not applied for (254 x $300 = $76,200)
1,270 Security Officer Commissions not applied for (1,270 x $40 =

50 Security Officer Commissions not renewed (50 x $40 = $2,000)
50 Noncommission Security Officers not renewed (50 x $25 = $1,250)

It is assumed that half of the biennial renewals would occur in the first
fiscal year of a biennium and half of the renewals would occur in the
second fiscal year of a biennium.

The second table represents the fiscal effects should the bill take
immediate effect.  It assumes that one-sixth of the annual revenue loss
would occur and one-twelfth of the biennial revenue loss would occur
during fiscal year 2001.
Local Government Impact
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is
Source Agencies:   467   Texas Commission on Private Security
LBB Staff:         JK, JC, SD, JN, DG