LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session February 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Tom Ramsay, Chair, House Committee on County Affairs FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: HB383 by Berman (Relating to requiring voter approval of salary increases for county commissioners.), As Introduced ************************************************************************** * No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. * ************************************************************************** Local Government Impact The bill would require a county-wide election to approve salary increases for county commissioners. The election must be held on the first uniform election date following the salary increase action by the commissioners' court. The bill would take effect immediately. There are no provisions in current law requiring voter approval of county commissioner salary increases. According to an analysis by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, many counties budget for the uniform election dates and would, therefore, have no additional costs. Estimated costs for a mid-size county (population 100,00-200,000) to hold an election that is not already budgeted are $40,000. Costs would vary depending on the population size of the county if election costs for all the uniform election dates were not already budgeted. Similar fiscal implications would continue as long as the provisions of the bill remain in effect. Source Agencies: 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts LBB Staff: JK, DB