Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session
                            February 26, 2001
          TO:  Honorable Irma Rangel, Chair, House Committee on Higher
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  HB461  by Crownover, Myra (Relating to imposing a
               recreational facility fee at the University of North
               Texas.), As Introduced
*  No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.                    *

Collection of a recreational facility fee will not create an additional
cost to the state, since this fee is an auxiliary fee and does not
affect general revenue or state appropriations.
Local Government Impact
No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.

If approved by a majority vote of those students participating in a
general election held at the university for that purpose, the board of
regents of the University of North Texas may impose a recreational
facility fee on each student enrolled in the university in an amount not
to exceed $75 per student for each semester of the regular term or
12-week summer session and not to exceed $37.50 per student for each
six-week or shorter term of the summer session.  The fee may be used only
for constructing, operating, maintaining, improving, and equipping a
recreational facility or program at the university.
Fees raised by this bill are as follows:

Fiscal Year 2004 - $4,634,930
Fiscal Year 2005 - $4,681,279
Fiscal Year 2006 - $4,728,092
Source Agencies:   752   University of North Texas
LBB Staff:         JK, CT, HM