LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session April 7, 2001 TO: Honorable Frank Madla, Chair, Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: HB1490 by Geren (Relating to the right of certain lessees of land owned by a municipality to purchase the land.), As Engrossed ************************************************************************** * No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. * ************************************************************************** Local Government Impact The bill would increase the population cap for a city to be eligible to sell land to a lessee, although eligibility criteria would still require the city to own land within 5,000 feet of where the shoreline of a lake would be if the lake were filled to its storage capacity. The Texas Municipal League indicated that an eligible city that would choose to sell land to a lessee would experience a positive impact. The amount of the impact would depend on the value of the land. Source Agencies: LBB Staff: JK, DB, CL