LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session March 20, 2001 TO: Honorable Kim Brimer, Chair, House Committee on Business & Industry FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: HB2600 by Brimer (Relating to medical and income benefits, return to work coordination, and regulation of doctors and insurance carriers under the workers' compensation system.), As Introduced ************************************************************************** * Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for * * HB2600, As Introduced: positive impact of $2,724,964 through the * * biennium ending August 31, 2003. * ************************************************************************** General Revenue-Related Funds, Five-Year Impact: **************************************************** * Fiscal Year Probable Net Positive/(Negative) * * Impact to General Revenue Related * * Funds * * 2002 $1,309,701 * * 2003 1,415,263 * * 2004 2,098,606 * * 2005 2,798,009 * * 2006 3,576,688 * **************************************************** All Funds, Five-Year Impact: *********************************************************************** *Fiscal Probable Probable Probable Probable Change in * * Year Savings/ Savings/ Savings/ Savings/ Number of * * (Cost) from (Cost) from (Cost) from (Cost) from State * * General General Federal Other Funds Employees * * Revenue Revenue Funds - 0997 from FY 2001 * * Fund Fund Federal * * 0001 0001 0555 * * 2002 $(903,823) $2,213,524 $738,550 $288,468 (3.6) * * 2003 (944,970) 2,360,233 778,785 304,184 (6.6) * * 2004 (944,970) 3,043,576 1,112,997 434,722 (6.6) * * 2005 (944,970) 3,742,979 1,455,061 568,328 (6.6) * * 2006 (944,970) 4,521,658 1,835,897 717,078 (6.6) * *********************************************************************** Technology Impact The Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) would need to modify databases to track information on approved doctors and for the certification of doctors to be added to the approved doctors' list. Also, TWCC would need modifications to the current systems to include the collection and reporting of return-to-work data and to comply with mandatory reporting to the Research and Oversight Council on Workers' Compensation. Fiscal Analysis The bill would replace the current licensure-based Approved Doctor List (ADL) with a qualification-based voluntary ADL and requires all doctors performing any duty in the workers' compensation system to be on the ADL. The Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) would set standards for being a treating doctor, designated doctor, peer review doctor, or for performing a utilization review. The bill would formalize the position of Medical Advisor and require the advisor to set standards and guidelines for practice, review compliance, as well as deletions, suspensions and practice restrictions for doctors on the ADL. The bill would authorize the creation of a Medical Quality Review Panel to assist the Medical Advisor and to recommend sanctions, as well as additions, deletions or suspensions of doctors on the ADL. The bill would establish a medical network advisory committee to provide input into the creation and standards for workers' compensation regional health networks. Employee participation in networks of providers would be voluntary, with employees opting into the network receiving additional income benefits. The bill would require employers to notify employees, treating doctors, and insurance carriers of any return-to-work or modified duty programs available. The bill would require carriers to provide and notify employers of return to work coordination services available. The bill would require TWCC to adopt rules for preauthorization and concurrent review of specific services, and bring spinal surgery under the current preauthorization process. The bill also directs that a designated doctor be consulted prior to an insurance carrier requesting a required medical examination (RME) by a doctor other than the treating doctor. The designated doctor's opinion would hold presumptive weight. Medical necessity disputes would be resolved by independent review organizations. The bill would direct TWCC to develop a drug formulary requiring generic prescription drugs be dispensed with doctor approval. The bill would take effect September 1, 2001. The Medical Network Advisory Committee would convene by October 1, 2001, TWCC would adopt rules by December 1, 2001, and regional workers compensation networks would be established by May 1, 2002. Methodology The bill would produce total savings of approximately $20 million over five years. The overall savings were assumed to occur in General Revenue, Federal Funds and Other Funds in the same proportion as the current state expenditures. It has been assumed that regional workers' compensation networks would be operational to 5 percent of state employees in the first year and an additional 10 percent each year thereafter. Seventy-five percent of those covered by the networks are assumed to opt into the network. In fiscal year 2000, approximately $46 million in workers' compensation medical claims were paid to injured state employees. Assuming a general 20 percent savings in medical treatment cost to those employees choosing to participate, and an expanding network system, a savings of $10.4 million is estimated over five years. The significant reduction in required medical examinations would result in an estimated one-time cost savings of $718,284 in 2002. Additionally, the creation of a drug formulary and mandatory generic substitution would produce an estimated savings of $1.4 million in 2002, and a five year savings of $9.2 million. The State Office of Risk Management estimates the need for three FTEs to implement and maintain the return-to-work services required by the bill at a cost of $200,383 in 2002 and $177,094 in 2003 and forward. Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) estimates a reduction in staff of 6.6 FTEs in 2002 and an additional 3 FTEs in 2003. TWCC estimates a cost of $800,000 per year for litigation due to doctor removal from the approved doctors' list. It is assumed that any costs incurred at TWCC would be offset by additional revenue from the workers' compensation maintenance tax. Local Government Impact No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source Agencies: 453 Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, 720 The University of Texas System, 454 Texas Department of Insurance, 503 Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, 508 Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, 592 State Soil & Water Conservation Board, 601 Texas Department of Transportation, 479 State Office of Risk Management LBB Staff: JK, JO, RT, KM