Austin, Texas


                    FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session


                              March 31, 2001



          TO:  Honorable Dale B. Tillery, Chair, House Committee on

               Pensions & Investments


        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board


       IN RE:  HB2851  by Hupp (Relating to credit in the Texas County

               and District Retirement System for military service.), As




*  No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.                    *



Local Government Impact


The bill would allow members of Texas County and District Retirement

System (TCDRS) who are military retirees to use military service for

retirement eligibility purposes in those districts that choose to adopt

this provision. Currently up to 5 years of military service may be

purchased by active members with 10 years of TCDRS service, but only if

they do not qualify for federal retirement payments based on 20 years or

more of federal military duty.


The bill would only have a fiscal impact on those subdivisions that

choose to adopt this provision. It is anticipated by TCDRS that the

impact on most subdivisions would not be significant. The provision could

have a more significant fiscal impact for some of the smallest

districts, especially since the bill does not limit the number of years

of service the members can establish.




Source Agencies:  

LBB Staff:         JK, RB, WM