LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session Revision 1 April 12, 2001 TO: Honorable Frank Madla, Chair, Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: SB382 by Gallegos (Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection.), As Introduced ************************************************************************** * No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. * ************************************************************************** Local Government Impact Local departments and associations indicated that the sections of the bill requiring equipment to be in compliance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards would not have a significant fiscal impact. Compliance with NFPA standards for personal alert safety systems, incident management systems, and personnel accountability systems would not have a significant impact. The Texas State Association of Firefighters indicated that the provisions of the bill that relate to developing operating procedures which meet NFPA standards would have a fiscal impact to local fire departments only if they were to choose to increase staffing to meet NFPA standards. Emergency Services Districts (ESDs) from small counties indicated that their current revenue would not provide for increased staffing, so they would have to adjust their operating procedures without adding personnel. Departments in medium sized and large cities or counties would experience a significant increase in costs if they were to add staff to meet NFPA standards. According to officials with one of the Travis County ESDs, the provisions of the bill would result in an increased cost of $300,000 for their district, which is a third of their current total budget. Officials with the City of Houston indicated that their department would need to increase staff size by about 550 firefighters to meet NFPA standards, which would cost in excess of $40 million annually. Source Agencies: 411 Texas Commission on Fire Protection LBB Staff: JK, DB, JN, TB, DW