Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session
                              April 4, 2001
          TO:  Honorable Florence Shapiro, Chair, Senate Committee on
               State Affairs
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  SB488  by Harris (Relating to the recognition of a
               same-sex marriage or civil union.), As Introduced
*  State fiscal impact cannot be determined.                             *
The bill would amend Subchapter B, Chapter 1, Family Code, by adding
Section 1.109, which defines civil union as any relationship status that
grants to the parties of the relationship the same legal protections,
benefits, and responsibilities as are granted to the spouses of a
marriage.  The bill would deny recognition to any same sex marriage or
civil union.

The fiscal impact of this bill to the State of Texas cannot be
determined, because the bill would negate a possible action of the state
that could have an undetermined fiscal impact in the future.
Local Government Impact
Impact to units of local government cannot be determined.
Source Agencies:   323   Teacher Retirement System, 529   Health and
                   Human Services Commission, 327   Employees Retirement
                   System, 338   State Pension Review Board, 302
                   Office of the Attorney General
LBB Staff:         JK, RB, SC