LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 77th Regular Session March 29, 2001 TO: Honorable Teel Bivins, Chair, Senate Committee on Education FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: SB1446 by Van de Putte (Relating to severance payments to superintendents of independent school districts.), As Introduced ************************************************************************** * No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. * ************************************************************************** The bill clarifies current law related to severance payments to superintendents and the recovery of amounts of funds from school districts that make severance payments to former superintendents. Local Government Impact No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Districts could choose not to make severance payments that would trigger payments to the state. Source Agencies: 701 Texas Education Agency LBB Staff: JK, CT, PF