The House Committee on Appropriations 
         77th Legislature 
         February 28, 2001 
         7:00 a.m. 
         Capitol Extension, E1.030 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on February 21, 2001, the House  
         Committee on Appropriations met in a public hearing and was  
         called to order by the chair, Representative Junell, at 7:05  
         The roll was answered as follows: 
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Allen;  
                   Farrar; Flores; Gutierrez; Janek; King, Tracy; Luna,  
                   Vilma; Maxey; McReynolds; Moreno, Paul; Pickett;  
                   Pitts; Puente; Smith; Turner, Sylvester (17). 
         Absent:   Representatives Coleman; Delisi; Eiland; Gallego;  
                   Giddings; Glaze; Hamric; Heflin; Hochberg; Mowery  
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Office of the Attorney General 
         (Representative Heflin now present.)(Representative Hamric now  
         present.)(Representative Eiland now present.)(Representative  
         Glaze now present.)(Representative Ellis now  
         present.)(Representative Haggerty now present.)(Representative  
         Mowery now present.)(Representative Giddings now  
         present.)(Representative Gallego now present.)(Representative  
         Hawley now present.)(Representative Goolsby now  
         present.)(Representative Delisi now present.)(Representative  
         Hochberg now present.) 
         Representative Farrar moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes: Fund the State Disbursement Unit.   
         36 additional FTEs to staff four new regional call centers for  
         agency's Child Support Division.  Increased funding from the  
         Compensation to Victims of Crime 
         Fund No. 469.  Funding from the Compensation to Victims of Crime  
         Fund No. 469 to continue funding grants for victim assistance  
         coordinators and liaisons; and to increase the grant amount and  
         number of grants.  Funding from the Compensation to Victims of  
         Crime Fund No. 469 to provide additional money to Texas CASA,  
         Inc. (Court Appointed Special Advocates) to expand the program  
         into counties not currently being served.  Funding from the  
         Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 for additional  
         grants to Children's Advocacy Centers.  Funding from the  
         Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 for C.1.3. Victims  
         Assistance for Sexual Assault Program Grants.  From Compensation  
         to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 for C.1.3. Victims Assistance  
         for Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program.  From  
         Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 for grants to  
         organizations that provide legal services to crime victims.   
         From Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 to provide  
         grants to other organizations providing victims' services.  From  
         Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 to fund Family  
         Violence Services through the Department of Human Services.   
         From Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund No. 469 to fund the  
         Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program through the  
         Department of Criminal Justice.  And with the following  
         technical changes:  Restore GR that was inadvertently cut from  
         Legal Services Strategy A.1.1. in FY2002.  Modify targets to  
         Average Cost Per Legal Hour and Percent of IV-D Cases with  
         Arrears in Which Payment was Made.  And with the other following  
         changes:  Victims Assistance Grants rider (Farrar #1) and  
         Capital Budget rider (Farrar #2) and Unexpended Balances rider  
         (Farrar #3) and Exemption from Capital Budget Authority rider  
         (Farrar #4) and Child Support Enforcement rider (Farrar #5).   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         At 9:53 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was recessed until 1:30 p.m., February 28, 2001. 
         The committee reconvened at 1:38 p.m. and was called to order by  
         the chair, Representative Junell. The roll was answered as  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Eiland;  
                   Farrar; Gallego; Giddings; Hamric; Heflin; Hochberg;  
                   Luna, Vilma; McReynolds; Mowery; Puente; Turner,  
                   Sylvester (14). 
         Absent:   Representatives Allen; Coleman; Delisi; Flores; Glaze;  
                   Gutierrez; Janek; King, Tracy; Maxey; Moreno, Paul;  
                   Pickett; Pitts; Smith (13). 
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Department of Criminal Justice 
         Representative Turner moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Salary Increases for correctional  
         officers, laundry and food service managers, and parole officers  
         and case managers.  Costs for retirement and social security  
         benefits.  Increased felony community supervision population  
         based on revised correctional population projections.  Increased  
         parole and mandatory supervision populations based on revised  
         correctional population projections.  Correctional managed  
         health care to fund increased prescription drug costs; Hepatitis  
         treatment; and increased expenses due to aging inmates.  Restore  
         funding of the Treatment Alternative to Incarceration Program  
         for substance abuse treatment to local Community Supervision and  
         Corrections Departments.  Funding for Texas Council on Offenders  
         with Mental Impairments.  Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund  
         for Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program.  And with the  
         following technical changes:  Adjust rider 3 amount to match  
         Comptroller estimate of unexpended balance of construction  
         bonds.  Adjust rider 30 amounts and corresponding strategy to  
         match Comptroller estimate for Texas Correctional Industries  
         receipts.  Adjust rider 30 amount to match Comptroller estimate  
         of UB for Texas Correctional Industries receipts.  In Article  
         IX, modify the detailed listing of Schedule A and Schedule B  
         classified positions to include Correctional Officer V and to  
         increase classification of the Sergeant of Correctional  
         Officers.  And with the following Performance Measure changes:   
         Average Number of Inmates in Contractual Correctional Bed  
         Capacity.  Average Number of Felons under Direct Supervision.   
         And an additional 159 FTEs.  And with the other following  
         changes:  Capital Budget rider (Turner #1) and Unexpended  
         Balances of Construction Bonds rider (Turner #2) and Salary  
         Adjustment Authorized rider (Turner #3) and Transfer Authority  
         Within and Between Goals rider (Turner #4) Capital Expenditures  
         Authorized rider (Turner #5) and Battering Intervention Program  
         rider (Turner #6) and Chaplaincy Programs rider (Turner #7) and  
         Contracted Temporary Capacity rider (Turner #8) and Career  
         Ladder Adjustments rider (Turner #9) and Mental Health Services  
         rider (Turner #10) and Treatment Alternative to Incarceration  
         Program rider (Turner #11) and Contract Review rider (Turner  
         #12).  And to add to Article XI the following: Community  
         Corrections Beds.  Repair and rehabilitation of facilities.   
         Multi-year contract rate increases.  Capital transportation  
         items.  Without objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Texas Youth Commission 
         (Representative King, Tracy now present.)(Representative Pickett  
         now present.)(Representative Smith now present.)(Representative  
         Gutierrez now present.)(Representative Flores now present.) 
         Representative Turner moved the adoption of Salary Adjustment  
         Authorized rider (Turner #1).  Without objection, the motion was  
         Office of Court Administration 
         (Representative Delisi now present.)(Representative Pitts now  
         present.)(Representative Allen now present.) 
         Representative Turner moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Disaster Recovery, Data Operations,  
         and Information Services at the Appellate Courts rider (Turner  
         #1) and Judicial Technology rider (Turner #2) and State  
         Telecommunications Infrastructure rider (Turner #3) and  
         Performance Measures of the Texas Courts of Appeals rider  
         (Turner #4) and Performance Measures of the Texas District  
         Courts rider (Turner #5).  And to add to Article XI the  
         following: An additional eight new foster care courts.  The  
         following items were left pending:  Increase funding for the  
         Judicial Committee on Information Technology strategy.  Capital  
         Budget rider.  Informational Services for the Trial Courts  
         rider.  Without objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Department of Public Safety/Polygraph Examiners Board 
         Representative Gallego moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  To purchase DNA laboratory  
         equipment.  To fund operation of Conroe Communications Facility.   
         To replace aging communications consoles and to upgrade the  
         Automated Driver License Testing systems.  To upgrade statewide  
         driver license facilities to adhere to the Texas Accessibility  
         Standards and the Americans with Disability Act.  For  
         construction of five facilities to provide office space for  
         employees in Traffic Law Enforcement, Criminal Law Enforcement,  
         Driver License, and Ranger Divisions.  And an additional 7 FTEs  
         for Conroe facility.  And with the other following changes:   
         Capital Budget rider (Gallego #1) and Restriction of Vehicle Use  
         rider (Gallego #2) and Complex Crime Unit rider (Gallego #3) and  
         Clothing Provisions rider (Gallego #4) and Training for Local  
         Law Enforcement Agencies rider (Gallego #5) and Staffing  
         Patterns rider (Gallego #6) and Staffing Patterns rider (Gallego  
         #7) and Hardships Stations (Gallego #8) and Polygraph Examiners  
         Board (Gallego #9) and Additional Capital Budget Authority rider  
         (Gallego #10) and Transfer of Land and Office Building rider  
         (Gallego #11) and Response to Bomb or Other Terrorist Threats in  
         the Capitol Complex rider (Gallego #12) and Security Services in  
         the Capitol Complex rider (Gallego #13) and Radio Technicians  
         rider (Gallego #14) and HB 335 Contingency rider for Historical  
         Museum and Research Center (West #15) and Funeral Travel  
         Reimbursement rider (McReynolds #16).  And to add to Article XI  
         the following: Vehicle Replacement Schedule.  Unsolved Crimes  
         Investigation Team.  Texas Ranger Headquarters and Museum.  The  
         following items were left pending:  Education Requirements for  
         Commissioned Officers.  Driver's License Character Sets.   
         Additional Recruit School.  Identification Card Requirements.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Article IV and V Special Provisions 
         Move the adoption of LBB recommendations.  Without objection,  
         the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Aerospace Commission 
         Representative Luna moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Spaceport Authorities Pursuit Fund.   
         Coordination of Spaceport Initiatives rider (Luna #1).  Without  
         objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Pension Review Board 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the addition of the following to Article XI: Computer  
         System Replacement.  Without objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Public Finance Authority 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following technical change: Reduction of General  
         Obligation debt service based on more current information on  
         bond issues.  And with the other following change:  Contingency  
         Funding for Agency Operations: Additional Bond Issues rider  
         (Heflin #1).  Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Bond Review Board 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Capital Rider for Computer  
         Conversion.  Capital Budget rider (Heflin #1).  Without  
         objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Department of Information Resources 
         Representative Luna moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following technical changes:  Restore GR that was  
         inadvertently reduced.  Amend Capital Budget Rider to reflect  
         the exclusion of capital items.  And with the other following  
         change:  Capital Budget rider (Luna #1).  And to add the  
         following to Article XI: Statewide IT Security Assessment.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted.   
         (Representative West, George "Buddy" in chair.) 
         Veterans Commission 
         Representative Flores moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following items to be added to Article XI:  Improve  
         Counseling.  Improve Administration.  Without objection, the  
         motion was adopted.   
         (Representative Junell in chair.) 
         Ethics Commission 
         Representative Puente moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the addition of the following to Article XI:  Electronic  
         Filing System Back-up.  Without objection, the motion was  
         Texas River Compact Commission 
         Representative Puente moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following item to be added to Article XI:  Increased  
         Costs.  Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         (Representative Janek now present.) 
         Commission on Human Rights 
         (Representative West, George "Buddy" in chair.) 
         Representative Pickett moved adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following item to be added to Article XI:  LAN/CDS.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Fire Fighters' Pension Commissioner 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following change:  Program Director in Texas Statewide  
         Emergency Services Retirement Act Fund 0976.  Without objection,  
         the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Commission on the Arts 
         (Representative Junell in chair.) 
         Representative Pickett moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following technical changes:  Modify the FTE cap from  
         18 to 19 FTEs for the biennium.  Modify the bill pattern to  
         authorize the agency to carry forward unexpended balances  
         between fiscal years within the biennium for Strategy C.1.1,  
         Distribute Direct Grants.  And with the other following changes:   
         Texas, State of the Arts License Plates rider (Pickett #1) and  
         Unexpended Balances Between Fiscal Years rider (Pickett #2) and  
         Unexpended Balances Between Biennia rider (Pickett #3) and  
         Entrepreneurial Business System Revenue rider (Pickett #4).  And  
         to add the following to Article XI:  Stable Level of Resources.   
         The following items were left pending:  Capital Budget rider.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted.   
         Aircraft Pooling Board 
         Representative Pickett moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Capital Budget rider (Pickett #1).   
         And to add the following items to Article XI:  Aircraft  
         Replacement for FY2002.  Ground Service Fuel Trucks for FY2002.   
         Maintenance and Avionics Equipment.  Without objection, the  
         motion was adopted. 
         Office of State-Federal Relations 
         Representative Luna moved the adoption of LBB recommendations.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Historical Commission 
         Representative Puente moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following change:  Courthouse Preservation Grants rider  
         (Puente #1) and Sam Rayburn House Caretaker rider (Flores #2)  
         and Capital Budget rider (Puente #3).  And with the following  
         items to be added to Article XI:  Local Assistance.  Main Street  
         Program Enhancement.  La Salle Odyssey rider.  The Pearce Civil  
         War Collection rider.  The following items were left pending:   
         African American Museum Professional Internship Program.  Rider  
         13, Unexpended Balances: Acquisition of Historical Artifacts.   
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Animal Health Commission 
         Representative Heflin moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes:  Contingency Rider to Increase the  
         FTEs for the Tuberculosis Eradication Program rider (Heflin #1)  
         and Capital Budget rider (Heflin #2).  Without objection, the  
         motion was adopted. 
         At 6:56 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Junell, Chair 
         Darshoel Willis, Clerk