         The House Committee on Appropriations 
         77th Legislature 
         March 13, 2001 
         7:00 a.m. 
         Capitol Extension, E1.030 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on March 8, 2001, the House  
         Committee on Appropriations met in a public hearing and was  
         called to order by the chair, Representative Junell, at 7:00  
         The roll was answered as follows: 
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Allen;  
                   Delisi; Giddings; Hamric; Heflin; Hochberg; Janek;  
                   King, Tracy; Moreno, Paul; Mowery; Pickett; Pitts;  
                   Puente (15). 
         Absent:   Representatives Coleman; Eiland; Farrar; Flores;  
                   Gallego; Glaze; Gutierrez; Luna, Vilma; Maxey;  
                   McReynolds; Smith; Turner, Sylvester (12). 
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         Higher Education Coordinating Board 
         (Representative Farrar now present.)(Representative Gutierrez  
         now present.)(Representative Luna, Vilma now  
         present.)(Representative Glaze now present.)(Representative  
         Flores now present.)(Representative Gallego now  
         present.)(Representative Maxey now present.)(Representative  
         McReynolds now present.)(Representative Smith now  
         present.)(Representative Turner, Sylvester now  
         present.)(Representative Coleman now present.)(Representative  
         Counts, David now present.)(Representative Kolkhorst, Lois now  
         present.)(Representative Eiland now present.) 
         Representative Delisi moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funds for TEXAS Grants 
                Funds for Teach for Texas 
                Funds and FTEs for Information Access Initiative 
                Growth Funding at General Academics 
                Growth Funding in general academic nursing programs 
                Growth Funding in nursing programs at health-related  
           Technical Changes 
                Rename Strategy C.1.10., Family Practice Residency  
                   Education Loan Repayment Program, to better  
                   differentiate it from Strategy C.1.1., Physician's  
                   Education Loan Repayment Program. 
                Reclassify money in Strategy C.1.21., Dentist's Education  
                   Loan repayment Program, as General Revenue. 
                Increase federal funds in Strategy D.1.2.,  
                   Technical/Vocational Programs, for the biennium. 
                Amend Rider #28, Toward Excellence, Access, and Success  
                   (TEXAS) Grant Program, to be consistent with statute. 
                Amend Rider #34, Informational Rider-Tobacco Settlement  
                   Receipts, to specify which portion applies to Baylor  
                   College of Medicine. 
                Amend Rider #7, License Plate Scholarship Program, to  
                   appropriate unexpended balances in each of the  
                   scholarship programs. 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Add the following four performance measures under Strategy  
                   C.1.17., TEXAS Grant Program: 
                   1.   Retention rate of TEXAS Grant recipients after  
                        one academic year. 
                   2.   Percentage of TEXAS Grant recipients who earn a  
                        baccalaureate degree within six academic years. 
                   3.   Percentage of TEXAS Grant-eligible high school  
                        graduates who receive a TEXAS Grant upon  
                        enrollment in a higher education institution. 
                   4.   Percentage of low-income students completing the  
                        Recommended High School Curriculum. 
                Raise the target for the measure, Percentage of Black and  
                   Hispanic students graduating within 6 years. 
                Adjust the target for the measure, Percentage of students  
                   enrolled in colleges who are Black and Hispanic. 
                Capital Budget rider (Delisi #1) 
                Information Access Initiative rider (Delisi #2) 
                Texas Academic Skills Program rider (Delisi #3) 
                Dramatic Enrollment Growth Funding for Two Year  
                   Institutions rider (Delisi #4) 
                Enrollment Growth Funding for General Academic Institutions  
                   rider (Delisi #5) 
                Enrollment Growth Funding for Nursing Programs at  
                   Health-related Institutions rider (Delisi #6) 
                General Academic Development Education Accountability Pilot  
                   Program rider (Delisi #7) 
                Community and Technical College Developmental Education  
                   Accountability Pilot Program rider (Delisi #8) 
                Economically Disadvantaged Student Retention Performance  
                   Fund rider (Delisi #9) 
                Higher Education Assistance Pilot Program rider (Delisi  
                Financial Aid Application Assistance rider (Delisi #11) 
                Amended Data Exchange to Facilitate Financial Aid  
                   Eligibility Determination rider (Delisi #12) 
                Graduate and Post Graduate Medical Education Task Force  
                   rider (Delisi #13) 
                P-16 Council rider (Delisi #14) 
                Graduation and Persistence Rates rider (Delisi #15) 
                Article IX, Section 6.38, Statewide Capital Planning rider  
                   (Delisi #16) 
           Article XI 
                All exceptional items for the Higher Education Coordinating  
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 140, to provide  
                   financial assistance to Texas veterans for textbooks  
                   and related course materials. 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 733, to appropriate  
                   funds for a financial aid program for community and  
                   technical college students. 
                Transfer of funds from General Revenue - Dedicated to  
                   General Revenue and appropriate it to the Coordinating  
                   Board for the Pharmacy Residency Program Fund. 
                Contingency Appropriation for H.B. 1998, Amend Rider #31,  
                   Teach for Texas Conditional Grant Program. 
                Additional funds to finance a Texas State Science and  
                   Engineering Fair for middle and secondary school  
                New Campus Funding for Public Community/Junior Colleges. 
                Funds for Research Partnership and Global Education  
                   Matching Fund Pilot Program. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Two Year Institutions 
         (Secretary Cuellar now present.) 
         Representative Mowery moved the adoption of LBB recommendations  
         with the following changes: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Enrollment Update 
           Technical Changes 
                TSTC Sweetwater: Change name to TSTC West Texas. 
                TSTC: Revise graduation performance measure to reference  
                   "degree-seeking" students rather than "declared-major"  
                Two Year Institutions: Amend Texas State University System  
                   Central Office Rider #2, Audit of Base Period Contact  
                   Hours, to reference "total contact hour formula  
                   appropriations."  Make similar amendments to Public  
                   Community/Junior Colleges Rider #7 and to Special  
                   Provisions Relating Only to Components of the Texas  
                   State Technical College Rider #9.  And in Special  
                   Provisions Relating Only to State Agencies of Higher  
                   Education, Section 18. 
                Delete Public Community/Junior Colleges, Rider #13,  
                   Performance Reporting. 
           Article XI 
                Texas State Technical College, Environmental Clean-Up  
                Texas State Technical College, Small School Supplement in  
                   infrastructure formula. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         At 10:00 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was recessed until 1:30 p.m., March 13, 2001. 
         The committee reconvened at 1:37 p.m. and was called to order by  
         the chair, Representative Junell. The roll was answered as  
         Present:  Representatives Junell; West, George "Buddy"; Delisi;  
                   Gallego; Giddings; Gutierrez; Hamric; Heflin;  
                   Hochberg; King, Tracy; Luna, Vilma; McReynolds;  
                   Mowery; Puente; Smith (15). 
         Absent:   Representatives Allen; Coleman; Eiland; Farrar;  
                   Flores; Glaze; Janek; Maxey; Moreno, Paul; Pickett;  
                   Pitts; Turner, Sylvester (12). 
         A quorum was present. 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         General Academic Institutions 
         (Representative Eiland now present.)(Representative Flores now  
         present.)(Representative Glaze now present.)(Representative  
         Williams, Thomas now present.)(Representative Moreno, Paul now  
         present.)(Representative Turner, Sylvester now  
         present.)(Representative Coleman now present.)(Representative  
         Maxey now present.)(Representative Pitts now  
         present.)(Representative Janek now present.) 
         Representative Giddings moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations for the University of Texas Arlington,  
         University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Dallas,  
         University of Texas El Paso, University of Texas Pan American,  
         University of Texas Brownsville, University of Texas Permian  
         Basin, University of Texas San Antonio, University of Texas  
         Tyler, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University - Galveston,  
         Prairie View A&M University, Tarleton State University, Texas  
         A&M University - Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University -  
         Kingsville, Texas A&M International University, West Texas A&M  
         University, Texas A&M University - Commerce, Texas A&M  
         University - Texarkana, University of Houston, University of  
         Houston- Clear Lake, University oh Houston - Downtown,  
         University of Houston - Victoria, Midwestern State University,  
         University of North Texas, Stephen F. Austin State University,  
         Texas Southern University, Texas Tech University, Texas Woman's  
         University, Angelo State University, Lamar-Beaumont University,  
         Sam Houston State University, Southwest Texas State University,  
         Sul Ross State University, Sul Ross State University - Rio  
         Grande with the following changes: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                Funding for Enrollment Update 
                Deduct Growth Supplement funding from the general academics 
                Additional funding for Texas Southern University for  
                   programs and enhancements. 
                Additional funding for Prairie View A&M University for  
                   programs and enhancements. 
                Additional funding in general revenue for a Small Business  
                   Development Center at Midwestern State University. 
           Technical Changes 
                Lamar-Beaumont: Amend Strategy B.1.2., Tuition Revenue Bond  
                Midwestern State: Amend Rider #1, Appropriation of Special  
                   Mineral Fund, to reflect Comptroller's estimates. 
                Prairie View A&M University: Establishment of America's  
                   Promise School rider (Giddings #1) 
                Stephen F. Austin State University: Recruitment and  
                   Enrollment of Students from East Texas rider (Giddings  
           Article XI 
                UT Austin: Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution 
                All Exceptional Items for General Academic Institutions 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Health Related Institutions 
         Representative Giddings moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations for University of Texas Southwestern Medical  
         Center, University of Texas Medical Branch, University of Texas  
         Health Science Center - Houston, University of Texas Health  
         Science Center - San Antonio, University of Texas MD Anderson  
         Cancer Center, University of Texas Health Center at Tyler, Texas  
         A&M System Health Science Center, University of North Texas  
         Health Science Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences  
         Center with the following changes: 
           Fiscal Changes 
                UT Health Science Center - Houston: Delete Strategy E.1.1.,  
                   Satellite Public Health Program.  Add Strategy A.1.6.,  
                   Graduate Training in Public Health, for UT Health  
                   Science Center - Houston. 
                Transfer all appropriations from Strategy E.1.1., Academic  
                   and research Support, to Strategy D.1.1., Patient Care  
                   Activities; and transfer all appropriations from  
                   Strategy E.2.1., Science Park Operations, to a new  
                   strategy, B.1.3., Science Park. 
           Technical Changes 
                Re-classify funds of Other E&G Income as Patient Income. 
                Reduce funds in Other E&G Income included in the  
                   health-related formulas. 
                Adjust General Revenue appropriations at the health-related  
                   institutions due to a correction in the enrollment  
                Adjust the formula rates in Article III Special Provisions  
                   Section 33. 
                Reduce Patient Income for UT Medical Branch at Galveston. 
                Add "Estimated" to the Health-Related Institutions Patient  
                   Income method of finance. 
                For Texas A&M Health Science Center Strategy E.1.1.,  
                   Coastal Bend health Education Center, appropriate any  
                   unexpended balances from FY 2002 for FY 2003. 
                Move Article III Special Provisions Section 44 rider  
                   appropriations for the UT Health Center at Tyler and  
                   Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center into the  
                   appropriate strategies. 
                Add FTEs to The UT Health Center at Tyler for items funded  
                   through rider appropriation discussed in item No.8. 
                Reduce the number of FTEs at UT Medical Branch at  
                Add funds to Texas A&M University System Health Science  
                   Center Strategy C.2.1., Tuition Revenue Bond  
                UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: Department of Veterinary  
                   Sciences - Bastrop rider (Giddings #1) 
                University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort  
                   Worth: Forensic Laboratory rider (Giddings #2) 
           Article XI 
                All Exceptional Items for Health-Related Institutions 
                UT Health Science Center - Houston, Texas Border Health  
                   Outreach Center. 
                UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Medical Technology  
                UT Health Center at Tyler, Funding for Increases in  
                   Indigent Care. 
                Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, South  
                   Texas Center for Rural Public Health. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas A&M University System Research and Service Agencies 
         (Representative Gallego in chair.)(Representative Junell in  
         Representative Gutierrez moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations for Texas Agriculture Experiment Station, Texas  
         Agriculture Extension Service, Texas Forest Service, Texas  
         Wildlife Damage Management Service, Texas Veterinary Medical  
         Diagnostic Lab, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas  
         Transportation Institute, Texas Engineering Extension Service  
         with the following changes: 
           Technical Changes 
                Texas Forest Service: Shift funds between strategies to  
                   correct for OASI revisions. 
                Texas Agriculture and Engineering Extension Services:  
                   Increased Inter-agency Collaboration rider (Gutierrez  
                Texas Engineering Extension Service: Training Related to  
                   Workplace Violence rider (Gutierrez #2) 
           Article XI 
                All Exceptional Items for Texas A&M Research and Service  
                   Agencies with the exception of the following: 
                     Texas Agricultural Extension Service 
                          Baby Boomer Generation 
                     Texas Forest Service 
                          Statewide Emergency 
                Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, PLANT: Improved  
                   Produce for a Healthier Texas. 
                Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Socioeconomic  
                   Research, plus a new rider for Texas State Data  
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Food and Fibers Commission 
         Representative Gutierrez moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations with the following changes: 
           Article XI 
                Additional research funds. 
                Texas Agricultural Research Database, as recommended by the  
                   House Committee on Agriculture and Livestock. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Special Provisions Relating Only to State Agencies of Higher  
         Representative Gutierrez moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations with the following changes: 
                Reinstate Section 45, Faculty Salary Increase Report rider  
                   (Gutierrez #1) 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         Texas Education Agency 
         (Representative Farrar now present.) 
         (Representative Turner, Sylvester in chair.)(Representative  
         Hochberg in chair.)(Representative Junell in chair.) 
         (Representative Pickett now present.)(Representative Allen now  
         Representative Hochberg moved the adoption of LBB  
         recommendations with the following changes: 
           Technical Changes 
                Adjust the methods of finance within the Foundation School  
                Adjust federal funds in each strategy to reflect updated  
                Amend Rider 43 to reflect the increase per year for summer  
                   school in the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education  
                Addition of the following Performance Measure additions: 
                     Percent of Students Graduating Under the Recommended  
                        or Distinguished Achievement High School Program. 
                     Percent of Campuses Receiving After-School Initiative  
                        Funds showing a Decrease in DAEP Referrals. 
                     Percent of DAEPs Meeting All Accountability Standards. 
           Performance Measure Changes 
                Revised LBB recommendations on Targets for: 
                     Percent of Students Whose Assessment Results are Inc.  
                        in Accountability System. 
                     Percent of Special Ed Students Who are Tested and Inc.  
                        in Accountability System. 
                     Percent of LEP Students Who are Tested and Inc. in the  
                        Accountability System. 
                     Number of Offenders Passing General Education  
                        Development (GED) Tests. 
                Capital Budget rider (Hochberg #1) 
                Amend Rider #30, Investment Capital Fund rider (Hochberg  
                Amend Rider #54, School Improvement and Parental  
                   Involvement Initiative rider (Hochberg #3) 
                Amend Rider #63, Ready to Read Program rider (Hochberg #4) 
                Amend Rider #66, Student Success Initiative rider (Hochberg  
                Windham School District Young Offenders rider (Hochberg #6) 
                Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program rider (Hochberg  
                As amended, Progress Report on Full Time Equivalent  
                   Positions rider (Hochberg #8) 
                Funds for Teacher Mentoring Programs rider (Hochberg #9) 
           Article IX 
                Exemptions from Limitations on Salary Increases 
           Article XI 
                Student Success Initiative 
                Student Success in Math 
                Monitoring and Accountability 
                Reading Initiative 
                Instructional Facilities allotment 
                LEP Summer School 
                Adult Literacy and Community Education 
                Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate 
                Technology Allotment 
                School Finance Assistance 
                Contingency rider for HB 1224, Worksite School Assessments 
                Contingency rider for HB 1427 or similar legislation to  
                   create fund for exceptionally high cost special  
                   education students. 
         Without objection, the motion was adopted. 
         At 6:25 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Junell, Chair 
         Darshoel Willis, Clerk