The House Committee on Elections 
         77th Legislature 
         May 9, 2001 
         Upon final adjourn./recess 
         Capitol Extension, E2.014 
         Pursuant to a suspension of the 5-day posting rule on May 9,  
         2001, the House Committee on Elections met in a public hearing  
         and was called to order by the chair, Representative Danburg, at  
         11:06 p.m. 
         The roll was answered as follows: 
         Present:  Representatives Danburg; Denny; Hodge; Madden (4). 
         Absent:   Representatives Jones, Jesse; Gallego; Sadler; Truitt;  
                   Wilson (5). 
         A quorum was not present. 
         (Representative Truitt now present.) 
         A quorum was now present. 
         SB 1309 
         The chair laid out SB 1309. 
         The chair recognized Representative Madden to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recogized Representative Madde to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         SB 1311 
         The chair laid out SB 1311. 
         The chair recognized Representative Madden to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Madden to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         At 12:14 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Danburg, Chair 
         Paul Harris, Clerk