SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 
                             Wednesday, January 31, 2001 
                                      7:00 p.m. 
                            Capitol Extension, Room E1.036 
     Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public  
     hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance was held on Wednesday, January  
     31, 2001, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.036, at Austin, Texas. 
     MEMBERS PRESENT:                            MEMBERS ABSENT: 
     Senator Rodney Ellis                        Senator Troy Fraser 
     Senator Chris Harris                        Senator John Whitmire 
     Senator Gonzalo Barrientos                   
     Senator Robert Duncan 
     Senator Tom Haywood                          
     Senator Mike Jackson 
     Senator Jon Lindsay 
     Senator Eddie Lucio 
     Senator Steve Ogden 
     Senator Carlos Truan                         
     Senator Judith Zaffirini                     
     The chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following business  
     was transacted:   
     Senator Barrientos assumed the chair. 
     Senator Truan was recognized and announced the Senator Staples was in  
     The Chair recognized the following invited witnesses to give testimony on  
     State Employee Issues: 
          Wade McDonald, LBB  
               Gave overview of budget figures. 
          John Keel, Director, LBB 
               Answered questions. 
          Lawrence Alwin, Office of the State Auditor 
               Introduced witnesses with him.  Gave an overview of work place  
     issues. Answered questions. 
          Kelli Dan, State Classification Officer, SAO 
              Gave an overview of issues about classification and where state  
              employees stand in regard to the  private sector.  Gave  
              statistics on inflation and state employee salaries.  Answered  
          Deborah Kerr, SAO 
               Answered questions. 
          Louis Rocha, Texas DPS                        
               Answered a question regarding cost of living rate. 
          Dr. Michael Lauderdale, University of Texas at Austin 
              Spoke to "Survey of Organizational Excellence" research and to  
              the issues of pay and benefits of state employees.  Answered   
              many questions.  
          Sandi Aitken, Director, Premiere Employees, Motorola 
               Discussed their 3-prong strategy for recruitment and retaining  
          Ed Stewart, Director, Public Relations, Southwest Airlines 
              Discussed the strategy for hiring and retention. All about the  
              people, all about the individual.  Hire for attitude. Cultural  
              committee no Human Resources.  
          Charles Zucker, Texas Faculty Association 
               Spoke to issues of faculty in Texas.  Strongly supports  
     increased pay raises. 
          Dee Simpson, AFSCME, Corrections Council of Texas 
               Spoke specifically to correctional officers. 
          Mike Wiggins, Sargent, Tex. Highway Patrol, TX  Dept. of Public  
     Safety Officers Association 
              Spoke to employees health insurance, and salary increase to keep  
              them at the average of the 8 comparable cities. 
          Anthony W. Brown, Foster Care Eligibility Specialist, Texas State  
                        Employee Union   
              Spoke to three critical issues; $4,800 across-the- board pay  
              raise, affordable health care, and adequate staffing at all  
              agencies and universities. 
          Gary Anderson, Executive Director, Texas Public Employees Union 
              Spoke to the issue of employee turnover.  The cost to the state  
              exceeds over $500 million each biennium. 
     The Chair recognized the following witnesses to give public testimony: 
          Stuart Greenfield, State Employees 
          Billy Humphrey, Correctional Employees 
          Glenda Turner, TDCJ Employees 
          Thomas Turner, TDCJ Employees 
          Paul Antwine, TDCJ Employees 
          Lindsey Eck, Self 
          Jane McFarland, Small Agency Task Force 
          Ruth Snyder, Self 
          Jonathan Bow, Self 
          Joe Trash, Self 
          Melissa Montgomery, Case Worker & Texas State Employees Union 
          Karen Coad, Child Protective Services,  
          Barbara Shumate, TDCJ Employees 
          Patrick Leedy, TDCJ 
          Andre Gary, TDCJ Employees  
          Donald McCoy, AFSCME 
          Carl Bragg, AFSCME 
          Willie Mae Bolar, Prairie View A&M University 
          Floyd Smith, TDCJ 
          April Brown, Self 
          Mark Miyek, Self 
          Don Dickson, Texas State Troopers Association 
          Verta Thompson, University Staff Association 
         Registered, but not testifying: 
          Milagros Rosado, Texas Workers Compensation Commission 
          Janie Rangel, Texas Worker's Compensation Commission 
          Verla Paul, State Employees 
          Louis Rocha, Self 
          Coy W. King, AFSCME 
          Nydia D. Thomas, Self 
          Walter Hinojosa, Texas AFL-CIO 
          Joseph G. Carrizales, Self 
          Tino Barraza, TPEA 
          Marisa Gonzalez, State of Texas Employees 
          Larry Clements, TPEA 
          Bert Roberts 
          Emily Bustos, TPEA 
          Sandra Thurman, TPEA 
          Nancy Barton, TPEA 
          Brad H. Phipps, TPEA 
          Karen Sanders, TPEA 
          Richard G. Sanders, TPEA 
          Sharon Little, TPEA 
          Cathy Snider, TPEA 
          Judy McReynolds, Self 
          Rebecca Eichelberger, Self 
          Dianne Lindemann, TPEA 
          Edward J. Stoll, TPEA 
          Randolph P. Tesch, TxDot 
          Dennis Ogrodney, TPEA 
          Andrew Bozek, Self 
          Joanne Day, TPEA 
          Katherine von Alt, TPEA 
          Lisa L. Brundrett, TxDOT 
          Don Nyland, State Employees & Teachers 
          Ronald W. Garrett, TPEA 
          Mary Garrett, TPEA 
          Suzanne G. Hallam, TBEA 
          David E. Thomson, TPEA 
          Edward Villalpando Jr. Tx.DoT 
          David Lee Martinez, Tx. DoT 
          Teddy P. Hernandez, TPEA 
          Antonio Saldivas, TPEA 
          James E. Drake, Tx. DOT 
          Gary Walthall, TPEA 
          John A. Delgado, TX. DOT 
          Cecelia Irvin, TPEA 
          Clint J. Dube, TxDOT-TPEA 
          Charles R. Vaughn Sr., TX. DOT-TPEA 
          Samuel Davis, TDCJ 
          Timothy D. Larson, State Employees 
          Patrick Knox, TPEA 
          Ryan Alan Hall, TPEA 
          Lance Richter, TPEA 
          Leslie A. Harper, Texas Dept. of Health Laboratories 
          Lilly Cisneros, TSEU 
          Julie Borders, Texas State Employees Union 
          Michael Gross, Texas State Employees Union 
          Renato Espinoza, Texas State Employees Union 
          Jim Zukowski, TPEA 
          Melodye Nelson, TDCJ  
          Pamela G. Gault Co IV, TDCJ 
          Jean Sanders, TDCJ 
          Sherry Lane, TDCJ 
          Linda Martin, TSEU 
          D.L. Dally Willis, CWA Union 
          Bobby Lane, Self 
          Elizabeth H. Bruns, Self 
          Bobby Jones, State Employees 
          Carroll Draper 
          Mark R. Trostle, Self 
          Susan Trostle, State Employees 
          Bridget Draper 
          James R. Soper, Self 
          Kay Soper, Self 
          Brian E. Olsen, AFSCME    
          Arlan Foster, AFSCME 
          Daniels S. Bridges, TPEA 
          Vernice C. Ansley, TPEA 
          Margaret Olsovsky, Self 
          Karen Tannert, Self 
          Dwayne Barnes, Employees of State Jail Division 
          Anthony Reese, TDCJ State Jail Division 
          John Fabian, State Employees/Self 
          Chad Bronham, Self 
          John Mason, Self & TSEU 
          Evelyn Ognodry, TPEA 
          Geoffrey Connor, Office of the Secretary of State 
     Senator Ellis resumed the chair.   
         Written testimony: 
          Christine Brown, Self 
          Forrest Hanna, Self 
          Jennifer Schwank, Self 
          Barbara Scobey, Self 
          Belinda Field, Self  
          Robert Kevin DeBose, Self 
          Annie Collier, Self 
          Robin T. Whitley, Self 
     Chairman Ellis thanked the public for their hard work and input.  
     There being no further business, at 10:46 a.m. Senator Ellis moved that  
     the Committee stand recessed until 8:00 a.m., Thursday, February 1, 2001.   
     Without objection, it was so ordered.   
     Senator Rodney Ellis, 
     Myra  J. Schmitt, Clerk