MINUTES Monday, April 22, 2002 12:00 p.m. Greater Kelly Development Authority Conference Room, San Antonio, Texas ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations was held on Monday, April 22, 2002, in the Greater Kelly Development Authority Conference Room, 143 Billy Mitchell Blvd., Suite 6 San Antonio, Texas ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator Troy Fraser Senator Carlos F.Truan Senator Leticia Van de Putte Senator Craig Estes ***** Chairman Shapleigh called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. The committee clerk called the roll, and there being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Chairman Shapleigh requested everyone stand for the Presentation of the Colors by the Military Honor Guard. The Colors were presented and the Committee Director lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Shapleigh welcomed everyone to the committee hearing, and recognized the Members of the Committee as well as the special guests in the audience. Senators Truan, Van de Putte, and Estes also made opening remarks. Chairman Shapleigh recognized Councilwoman Bonnie Conner, District 8 Councilperson, for welcoming remarks. Councilwoman Conner welcomed everyone to San Antonio and then gave brief testimony on Charge #1. The following witnesses were called to respond to questions raised during testimony by Councilwoman Conner: Louis E. Davis, Economic Development Manager, City of San Antonio Tom Rumora, Director, Brooks City Base Office Chairman Shapleigh then made a special presentation to an individual that has dedicated his life to service in the military, Mr. Valentin (Val) Martinez. Mr. Martinez was presented with a flag for his service to our country and our state. Chairman Shapleigh welcomed Representative Ruth Jones McClendon as a special guest and Representative McClendon made some remarks. Chairman Shapleigh announced the purpose of the hearing was to receive briefings from invited testimony and to receive public testimony regarding the interim charges that were assigned to the committee by Lieutenant Governor Bill Ratliff. The Chairman took a 2 minute recess to allow the Committee Members to take pictures with Mr. Martinez. Chairman Shapleigh recognized Joe Krier, President and CEO of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, for welcoming remarks. Mr. Krier welcomed the committee to San Antonio and gave a brief overview on how the community was working with area bases to make them stronger. The Chairman then invited the following persons to provide a briefing on the Texas National Guard and United States Reserves: Major General Daniel James III, the Adjutant General Col. (Ret.) John Wells, Director, Texas Military Facilities Commission Major General Wayne D. Marty, Assistant Adjutant General Army The panel provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for these witnesses, the Chair invited the following panel to provide testimony on BRAC and the economic impact of the defense industry on Texas: Lt. Col. (Ret.) George O'Kelley, Director of Defense Affairs (State) Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Josue Robles, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Treasurer of USAA and Member of the Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission The Honorable Dora Alcala, Mayor of Del Rio and Member of the Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission Mr. Ralph Gauer, Vice Chair, Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission The panel provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. Chairman Shapleigh laid out the October 30, 2001 minutes. Senator Truan moved the adoption of the minutes. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Chairman Shapleigh introduced the committee staff. Chairman Shapleigh then invited Robert Rasmussen, Deputy Executive Director, Greater Kelly Development Authority, and Mr. Charles Gates, Director of Finance and Aviation, Austin Bergstrom International Airport, to provide testimony on BRAC and the reconstruction plans of bases after BRAC occurs. The witnesses provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for these witnesses, the Chair invited the following panel to provide testimony on Brooks Air Force Base and initiatives it has taken to encourage and support public/private partnerships: Dr. Brendan Godfrey, Deputy Director, Brooks AFB San Antonio Mr. Skip Mills, Texas Center for Applied Technology Mr. Tom Rumora, Director, Brooks City Base office Mr. Mark Frye, Economic Consultant to USAF The panel provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for these witnesses, the Chair invited the following panel to provide testimony on the impact of current mobilizations/activations upon Texas' guard and reserve military members, their families, and employers: Major General (Ret.) Elvin Schofield, Chairman, Committee on Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve for Texas Dale Pyeatt, Executive Director, Committee on Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve for Texas The panel provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. The Chairman called persons who registered as public witnesses to provide testimony. The following public witness provided oral and written testimony before the committee: Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Karen Rankin, Chair, City of San Antonio Veterans Affairs Commission There being no other witnesses registered or responding to the Chairman's call for public testimony, the Chairman closed public testimony. Chairman Shapleigh made closing remarks and announced the dates of future hearings. There being no further business, at 5:07 p.m. Chairman Shapleigh moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the Chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ______________________ Senator Eliot Shapleigh, Acting Chair ______________________ Kari McAdams, Clerk