MINUTES Tuesday, June 4, 2002 10:00 a.m. Abilene Civic Center, Abilene, Texas ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2002, in Abilene, Texas ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator Craig Estes Senator Troy Fraser Senator Carlos F.Truan Senator Leticia Van de Putte ***** The chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The committee clerk called the roll, and the following business was transacted: Chairman Shapleigh requested everyone stand for the Presentation of the Colors by the Military Honor Guard. The Colors were presented and the Committee Director led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Shapleigh welcomed everyone to the committee hearing and recognized the Members of the Committee. Senator Fraser also made opening remarks. Chairman Shapleigh then recognized the special guests in the audience. Chairman Shapleigh then recognized The Honorable Victor G. Carrillo, Taylor County Judge, for welcoming remarks. Judge Carrillo made welcoming remarks and then gave an overview of the number of veterans that reside in Taylor County. He also informed the Committee that local officials will be looking at encroachment issues pertaining to Dyess Air Force Base and the surrounding communities. The following members arrived after the roll was called: Senator Leticia Van de Putte Chairman Shapleigh introduced Senator Van de Putte and Senator Van de Putte gave some opening remarks. Following Senator Van de Putte's opening remarks, Chairman Shapleigh invited The Honorable Grady Barr, Mayor of Abilene, to make some welcoming remarks. Mayor Barr welcomed the Committee to Abilene. He then gave an overview of actions the city has taken to help Dyess Air Force Base reduce operating costs and maintain a positive relationship between the city and the base. Chairman Shapleigh then made a special presentation to Mr. Bill Libby for his service in the military and his continued commitment to veterans causes after his retirement. Mr. Libby was presented with a flag and a certificate for his service to our country and our state. Chairman Shapleigh also made a special presentation to Ms. Anna Maria Martinez Vedro. Ms. Vedro lost her brother, Evaristo Martinez III, in Vietnam. Ms. Vedro is a teacher and this loss has influenced her teaching. She teaches history and makes it a priority to promote patriotism, appreciation for the military and connects students with local veterans, especially Vietnam Veterans. Ms. Vedro was also presented with a flag and a certificate. Chairman Shapleigh gave an explanation of the Committee's charges and stated the importance of the military on our state's economy. The Chairman then invited the following person to provide a briefing on the current and proposed economic development actions for Abilene and the Dyess Air Force Base to include major facility and infrastructure construction as identified by local military and/or community strategic economic development plans: Celia Davis, Chair, Military Affairs Committee, Abilene Chamber of Commerce The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by the members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on new mission and economic development initiatives being explored by the City of San Angelo and Goodfellow Air Force Base to partner in ways that both can benefit: Johnny Fender, Member, Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission and Citizen of San Angelo The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on current and proposed economic development actions for Wichita Falls and Sheppard Air Force Base to include major facility and infrastructure construction as identified by local military and/or community strategic economic development plans: Tim Chase, President & CEO, Wichita Falls Board of Commerce and Industry The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by the members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on veterans benefit programs for which the Department of Veteran Affairs has primary responsibility and to address the overall adequacy of federal veteran benefit programs and process for review and customer feedback: Carl E. Lowe III, Director, Department of Veteran Affairs, Waco Region The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on state veteran benefit programs for which the Texas Veterans Commission has primary oversight authority and assess their success in meeting veterans' needs: James E. Nier, Executive Director, Texas Veterans Commission The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on the status of implementation of HB 2125 relating to public school admission for military personnel and dependents: Hugh Hayes, Deputy Commissioner, Texas Education Agency The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. The Chairman called persons who registered as public witnesses to provide testimony. The following public witnesses provided oral testimony before the Committee: James S. Duncan, Chairman, Texas Veterans Commission The following witness was called to respond to questions raised during testimony by James S. Duncan: James E. Nier, Executive Director, Texas Veterans Commission The Chairman continued public testimony: Jimmy D. DeFoor, Veterans Service Officer, Taylor County Veterans Service Office Hubert E. Smith, Commander, Disabled American Veterans There being no other witnesses registered or responding to the Chairman's call for public testimony, the Chairman closed public testimony. Chairman Shapleigh then laid out the May 23, 2002 minutes. Senator Fraser moved the adoption of the minutes. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Chairman Shapleigh made closing remarks. There being no further business, at 1:34 p.m. Chairman Shapleigh moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ______________________ Senator Eliot Shapleigh, Chair ______________________ Kari McAdams, Clerk