MINUTES Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:00 a.m. El Paso, Texas ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations was held on Thursday, June 27, 2002, in El Paso, Texas ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator Carlos F. Truan Senator Leticia Van de Putte Senator Troy Fraser Senator Craig Estes ***** The chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Chairman Shapleigh requested everyone stand for the Presentation of the Colors by the Military Honor Guard. The Colors were presented, the National Anthem was sung, and the Committee Director led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Shapleigh welcomed everyone to the committee hearing and recognized the Members of the Committee as well as the special guests in the audience. Senators Van de Putte and Estes also made opening remarks. Chairman Shapleigh recognized Councilman John Cook, District 4 Councilperson, for welcoming remarks. Councilman Cook welcomed the Committee to El Paso. Chairman Shapleigh then recognized Mayor Donald Carroll, Mayor of Alamogordo, NM. Mayor Carroll welcomed the Committee and informed the Committee of the bi-state cooperation that exists between Texas and New Mexico, emphasizing regional cooperation in the area of economic development. Chairman Shapleigh recognized Salvador Payan, a representative for Congressman Silvestre Reyes. Mr. Payan welcomed the Committee to El Paso and then read a statement from Congressman Reyes concerning BRAC and veterans issues. Chairman Shapleigh then made a special presentation to Col. (Ret.) Joseph C. Rodriguez, a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, for his service in the military and his bravery. Col. (Ret.) Rodriguez was presented with a flag and a certificate for his service to our country and our state. Chairman Shapleigh also made a special presentation to Ms. Hope Simpson. Ms. Simpson lost her husband, Corporal Brian K. Simpson, during a SCUD attack on a military barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia in 1991. Ms. Simpson was presented with a flag and a certificate and was recognized for her sacrifice. Chairman Shapleigh then gave an explanation of the Committee's charges and an overview of the military installations in Texas. He noted the importance of the military to the state's economic development and spoke about the upcoming Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC). The Chairman then invited the following person to provide a briefing on the current and future missions to include the five-year major facility and infrastructure construction plans for Fort Bliss and to also address the current and projected impact of urban development (including noise encroachment) upon Fort Bliss military training programs that may alter desired time, space and realism of training: Colonel Wallace (Ben) Hobson, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by the members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on current and proposed economic development actions for El Paso and Fort Bliss to include major facility and infrastructure construction as identified by local military and/or community strategic economic development plans: Joyce Feinberg, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, City of El Paso The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide a briefing on significant mission issues affecting White Sands Missile Range and address cooperative agreements/relationships with Fort Bliss and El Paso, Texas: Larry D. Furrow, Chief of Public Affairs, White Sands Missile Range The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on Texas' three chief aerospace competitor states with regard to factors effecting military related economic development and military missions and to identify specific actions taken by other states to gain competitive advantages, as well as, comment on state initiatives to strengthen Texas' position: Fred Johnson, Director of Planning and Development, Texas Aerospace Commission The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on cost effective steps to better inform veterans of benefits to which they may be entitled, including a technology based process: James E. Nier, Executive Director, Texas Veterans Commission The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on the effectiveness of job placement programs for veterans and the process used to track state agency adherence to the state statute relating to the matter of veteran's job placement preference: Terry O'Mahoney, Commissioner Representing Labor, Texas Workforce Commission The witness provided oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following panel of witnesses to provide testimony on the impact of the current military mobilization on persons called to active duty and their families, state and federal statutes concerning guardsmen, and an assessment on the use of funds from Proposition 8 to repair armories: MG Wayne D. Marty, Assistant Adjutant General, Texas National Guard BG William Goodwin, Chief of Staff, Texas National Guard Col. Garry D. Patterson, Director Facilities & Engineering, Texas Army National Guard LTC Patrick Hamilton, Mobilization Readiness Officer, Adjutant General's Department The witnesses provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. Chairman Shapleigh then laid out the June 4, 2002 minutes. Senator Van de Putte moved the adoption of the minutes. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Senator Estes left the hearing at 1:23 p.m. The Chair then invited the following witness to provide testimony on the number and age of veterans in the El Paso area and to address the quality of service being experienced by veterans as it relates to the dissemination of benefits information and the level and adequacy of assistance provided by County Veterans Service Officers: Manuel O. Navarrete, Sr. Vice Commander (Incoming), Veterans of Foreign Wars-District #10 The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following witness to provide testimony on actions taken or proposed by Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission to more effectively address military issues in Texas: James P. Maloney, Member, Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission The witness provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. Senator Van de Putte left the hearing at 2:15 p.m. There being no further questions for the witness, the Chair invited the following panel of witnesses to provide testimony on forecasted construction/repair of the highway systems used for mobilizations of Texas Military Forces: Wayne A. Dennis, Deputy Director Transportation Planning and Programming, Texas Department of Transportation Manny Aguilera, Deputy District Engineer, Texas Department of Transportation Phillip T. Nash, Project Director, Texas Tech University The witnesses provided written and oral testimony and responded to questions by members of the Committee. There being no witnesses registered or responding to the Chairman's call for public testimony, the Chairman closed public testimony. Chairman Shapleigh made closing remarks. There being no further business, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman Shapleigh moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ______________________ Senator Eliot Shapleigh, Chair ______________________ Kari McAdams, Clerk