HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Appropriations
SUBCOMMITTEE: Conference Committee SB1

TIME & DATE:  7:00AM, Tuesday, April 24, 2001

PLACE: E1.036

CHAIR: Rep. Robert Junell

The Conference Committee will consider the following:

Judiciary Agencies:
* Supreme Court of Texas
* Court of Criminal Appeals
* Fourteen Courts of Appeals
* Office of Court Administration, Texas Judicial Council
* State Prosecuting Attorney, Office of the
* State Law Library
* Court Reporters Certification Board
* Commission on Judicial Conduct, State
* Judiciary Section, Comptroller's Department

Regulatory Agencies:
* Accountancy, Board of Public
* Administrative Hearings, State Office of
* Architectural Examiners, Board of
* Barber Examiners, Board of
* Chiropractic Examiners, Board of
* Cosmetology Commission
* Credit Union Department
* Dental Examiners, Texas State Board of
* Engineers, Board of Professional
* Finance Commission of Texas
* Banking, Department of
* Consumer Credit Commissioner, Office of
* Savings and Loan Department
* Funeral Service Commission
* Insurance, Department of
* Insurance Counsel, Office of Public
* Land Surveying, Board of Professional
* Licensing and Regulation, Department of
* Medical Examiners, Board of
* Nurse Examiners, Board of
* Nurse Examiners, Board of Vocational
* Optometry Board
* Pest Control Board, Structural
* Pharmacy, Board of
* Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of
* Plumbing Examiners, Board of
* Podiatric Medical Examiners, Board of
* Psychologists, Board of Examiners of
* Racing Commission
* Real Estate Commission
* Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board
* Securities Board
* Tax Professional Examiners, Board of
* Utiltiy Commission of Texas, Public
* Utility Counsel, Office of Public
* Veterinary Medical Examiners, Board of
* Workers' Compensation Commission
* Workers' Compensation, Research and Oversight Council on

General Government agencies:
* Aircraft Pooling Board
* Attorney General, Office of the
* Arts, Commission on the
* Bond Review Board
* Comptroller of Public Accounts
* Comptroller of Public Accounts, Fiscal Programs
* Comptroller of Public Accounts, Social Security & Benefit Replacement
* Emergency Communications, Advisory Commission on State
* Employees Retirement System
* Ethics Commission, Texas
* Finance Authority, Public
* Fire Fighters' Pension Commissioner
* General Services Commission, State
* Governor, Office of the
* Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor
* Historical Commission
* Human Rights, Commission on
* Incentive and Productivity Commission, Texas
* Information Resources, Department of
* Library and Archives Commission
* Pension Review Board
* Preservation Board
* Risk Management, State Office of
* Workers' Compensation Payments
* Secretary of State
* State-Federal Relations, Office of
* Veterans Commission

