HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Business & Industry

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Wednesday, April 11, 2001

PLACE: E2.016

CHAIR: Rep. Kim Brimer


The committee will consider the following:

HB 49            McClendon
Relating to the release of certain workers' compensation records to
certain persons.

HB 74            Garcia
Relating to the right of a subpoenaed witness to reinstatement of
employment; providing a penalty.

HB 1526            Bailey
Relating to the selection of a doctor for workers' compensation

HB 2449            Dukes
Relating to the certification of maximum medical improvement and
the assignment of impairment ratings in workers' compensation

HB 2566            Dunnam
Relating to certain requirements for the appeal of a hearing
officer's decision in a workers' compensation proceeding.

HB 2640            Dutton
Relating to the regulation of casket sales.

HB 3042            Lewis, Glenn
Relating to the use of, and access to, certain information
regarding a current or former employee.

HB 3342            Moreno, Joe E.
Relating to the rights of temporary employees.

HB 3430            Merritt
Relating to solicitation for a charitable organization of or
benefiting state employees; providing a civil penalty.


Upon a motion to suspend the five day posting rules, requested by
Representative Brimer and so moved by the House of Representatives
during session on April 11, 2001, the Committee on Business and Industry
met at 12:30 p.m. and added HB 74 to the agenda of bills to consider for
new business.




HB 74