NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Energy Resources

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Wednesday, March 28, 2001

PLACE: E1.010

CHAIR: Rep. Ron E. Lewis

The House Committee on Energy Resources will meet in a public hearing to
discuss the following:

HB 2277            Carter
Relating to contracts by certain educational institutions, state
agencies, and local governments for energy conservation measures.

HB 2278            Carter
Relating to the consolidation and functions of the energy
management center and the state energy conservation office and to
the transfer of the powers and duties of the center and the office
to the comptroller's office.

HB 2718            Lewis, Ron
Relating to recovery of certain relocation costs by a gas utility.

HB 2725            Driver
Relating to the regulation of persons engaged in the sale of
portable cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas.

HB 2806            Kitchen
Relating to disconnection of natural gas service.

HB 2845            Danburg
Relating to the creation of the Texas Fuel Cell Commercialization
Initiative and the redirection of certain federal Oil Overcharge
Restitution Funds.

HB 3348            Counts
Relating to the Texas Energy Resource Council.

HB 3415            McClendon
Relating to the development and use of landfill gas for state
energy and environmental purposes.
