HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Public Health TIME & DATE: 1:30PM, Wednesday, February 21, 2001 PLACE: E2.030 CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray ___________________________________________________________________________ The committee will be considering the following bills: HB 80 Gallego Relating to immunity applicable to certain persons acting under the Texas Anatomical Gift Act. HB 391 Maxey Relating to the provision of donor human milk to certain infants under the medical assistance program. HB 757 Coleman Relating to the establishment of a task force to eliminate health and health access disparities in Texas. HB 976 Christian Relating to the definition of non-physician mental health professional for purposes of a proceeding or evaluation under the Texas Mental Health Code. HB 1018 Hardcastle Relating to the processing of certain applications submitted to the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. HB 1072 Farabee Relating to authorizing a peace officer or health officer to take into custody, detain, and return to a treatment facility a patient or client under a court order for treatment at the facility. HB 1183 Capelo Relating to the regulation of surgical assistants; granting rulemaking authority; providing penalties. HB 1251 Menendez Relating to fire-resistant mattresses and upholstered furniture; providing a civil penalty. ___________________________________________________________________________