NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Public Health

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM, Wednesday, March 7, 2001

PLACE: E2.030

CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray

The committee will consider the following bills:

HB 342            McClendon / et al.
Relating to the study of disease management programs for children's

HB 825            Gray / et al.
Relating to continuous eligibility of children for medical

HB 826            Gray / et al.
Relating to consideration of assets and resources for purposes of
determining eligibility of children for Medicaid.

HB 827            Gray / et al.
Relating to simplifying the application and eligibility
determination process for medical assistance provided to children.

HB 828            Gray / et al.
Relating to application and eligibility for Medicaid.

HB 835            Kitchen / et al.
Relating to the study of a buy-in option for the state child health

HB 1239            Wilson
Relating to retention requirements for and access to blood
specimens taken for newborn screenings; providing a criminal

HB 1278            Coleman / et al.
Relating to an asbestos survey before issuance of a building permit
to renovate or demolish a public building.

HB 1279            Coleman / et al.
Relating to the application of certain licensing and registration
requirements to activities involving resilient floor-covering

HB 1284            Kitchen
Relating to the Texas Healthy Kids Corporation.

HB 1369            Delisi
Relating to requiring reports from the Health and Human Services
Commission about the state Medicaid program.

HB 1516            Janek
Relating to the provision of catastrophic case management services
under the medical assistance program.

HB 1591            Kitchen
Relating to reporting and certification of Medicaid managed care
encounter data.

HB 1927            Geren
Relating to the installation of asbestos in public buildings;
providing penalties.

HCR 84            Maxey
Memorializing congress to expand the number of community health
centers and other community-based safety-net programs serving the
poor and medically underserved communities.

HCR 109            Gutierrez
Supporting the establishment of a 2-1-1 information and referral
telephone network for Texas.
