HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Public Health

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or 30 min after final adjourn.
             Wednesday, March 28, 2001

PLACE: E2.030

CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray

The following bills will be considered in committee:

HB 373            Hawley / et al.
Relating to creating a foundation to finance health programs in the
rural areas of the state.

HB 663            Lewis, Ron / et al.
Relating to the regulation of tanning facilities.

HB 761            Coleman
Relating to fees for copies of birth and death certificates.

HB 975            Maxey
Relating to the duties of hospitals, including nonprofit hospitals.

HB 998            Hartnett
Relating to the animal friendly account and advisory committee.

HB 1443            Hawley / et al.
Relating to creating the rural physician relief program.

HB 1537            Coleman
Relating to the provision of medical assistance for children of
migrant or seasonal agricultural workers.

HB 1651            Edwards
Relating to the authority of optometrists and therapeutic
optometrists to form certain professional associations.

HB 2082            Eiland / et al.
Relating to county expenditures for certain health care services.

HB 2284            Kitchen
Relating to consideration of assets and resources for purposes of
determining eligibility of certain low-income Medicare
beneficiaries for Medicaid.

HB 2419            Coleman
Relating to charity care requirements for certain hospitals.

HB 2420            Coleman
Relating to the establishment of a pilot program to extend Medicaid
coverage to certain low-income parents of children receiving

HB 2421            Hawley / et al.
Relating to establishing a program to recruit rural medical
students for service in rural communities.

HB 2423            Hawley / et al.
Relating to the designation of a hospital as a rural hospital.

HB 2425            Hawley / et al.
Relating to certain pilot programs under the Medicaid managed care

HB 2446            Glaze / et al.
Relating to emergency medical services.

HB 2463            Glaze / et al.
Relating to the issuance of permits in areas infected with or at
high risk of infection for bovine tuberculosis.

HB 2602            Coleman
Relating to indigent health care.

HB 3038            Isett
Relating to the employment of Medicaid recipients and to the
enrollment of Medicaid recipients and state child health plan
enrollees in certain group health benefit plans.

HB 3043            Luna, Vilma
Relating to prevention and detection of fraud in hospital district
funded indigent health care programs.

HB 3572            George / et al.
Relating to establishing an unrelated donor umbilical cord blood

SCR 29            Carona
Designating March 2001 as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in



HB 3554