HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Public Health TIME & DATE: 1:30PM or Or 30 Mins After Final Adj Wednesday, April 25, 2001 PLACE: E2.030 CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 398 Smith Relating to disclosure of medical billing records regarding a patient. HB 964 Dunnam Relating to the release of certain confidential information of a patient by the patient's physician. HB 1221 Maxey / et al. Relating to protecting the privacy of medical records; providing penalties. HB 1497 Farabee Relating to the provision of mental health and mental retardation services. HCR 235 Delisi Commending the Women in Government organization and encouraging each state agency and state education institution to take action to achieve improved and equal access for women to health care. SB 11 Nelson / et al. Relating to protecting the privacy of medical records; providing penalties. SB 261 Bernsen Relating to the warnings pet stores must provide concerning reptile-associated salmonellosis; providing an administrative penalty. SB 558 Madla Relating to an advisory committee on reducing drug demand. SB 581 Duncan Relating to document preparation costs in connection with mental health proceedings. SB 643 Madla Relating to the practice of acupuncture. SB 684 Madla Relating to the definition of non-physician mental health professional for purposes of a proceeding or evaluation under the Texas Mental Health Code. SB 766 Madla Relating to the processing and sale of meat and poultry products; providing penalties. SB 832 Moncrief Relating to requiring reports from the Health and Human Services Commission about the state Medicaid program. SB 1300 Cain Relating to the practice of medicine without an annual registration receipt. SB 1586 Moncrief Relating to fees for copies of birth and death certificates. ___________________________________________________________________________