HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Public Health

TIME & DATE:  8:30AM, Wednesday, May 16, 2001

PLACE: E2.030

CHAIR: Rep. Patricia Gray

The Committee will be considering the following bills:

SB 101            Nelson
Relating to an evaluation of required copayments from recipients of
medical assistance through managed care.

SB 279            Nelson
Relating to sanctions imposed against certain facilities regulated
by the Texas Department of Health.

SB 283            Nelson
Relating to special disease management programs for certain
recipients of medical assistance under the Medicaid managed care

SB 284            Nelson
Relating to streamlining reporting requirements and inspection
procedures under the Medicaid managed care program.

SB 332            Moncrief
Relating to the provision of a drug by a physician to certain
indigent patients.

SB 514            Truan
Relating to expanding certain grant programs formerly limited to
physicians to include other health care professionals.

SB 595            Harris
Relating to information regarding certain complaints filed with the
Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and related settlements.

SB 791            Nelson
Relating to the imposition of administrative, civil, and criminal
penalties and the authorization of emergency license suspension for
certain licensing programs regulated by the Texas Department of

SB 876            Moncrief / et al.
Relating to the administration of restraint, seclusion, and
emergency psychoactive medication to residents of certain health
care facilities.

SB 1024            Carona
Relating to investigations under and enforcement of the law
regulating the practice of podiatry.

SB 1029            Lindsay
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information maintained
by certain health care providers.

SB 1050            Van de Putte
Relating to the regulation of youth camps.

SB 1051            Shapleigh
Relating to the training and regulation of promotoras and community
health workers.

SB 1299            Lucio
Relating to the creation and duties of a task force on rate-setting
methodologies for the Medicaid and state child health plan

SCR 21            Lucio / et al.
Memorializing congress to develop a treaty or agreement with Mexico
to address health issues of mutual concern.
