** REVISION **
                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: State Affairs

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Wednesday, April 10, 2002

PLACE: E2.010

CHAIR: Rep. Steven Wolens

The committee will take invited testimony related to public utility
customer service practices, customer complaint resolution, and the
deployment of advanced services in Texas.


I.   Call to Order/Roll Call

II.  Customer Complaint Resolution by the PUC
Rebecca Klein, Public Utility Commission of Texas
Lane Lanford, Public Utility Commission of Texas
Mike Renfro, Public Utility Commission of Texas

III. Customer Service Practices of Public Utilities
Janee Briesemeister, Consumers Union
Patricia Escobedo, MCI WorldCom
Michael Jewell, AT&T
Shawn McKenzie, Southwestern Bell
Lil Taylor or Jim Grover, Sprint

IV.  Broadband Deployment in Texas
Brett Perlman, Public Utility Commission of Texas
Blair Fitzsimmons, Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board

Steve Banta, Verizon
Mark Cooper, on behalf of Office of Public Utility Counsel
Shawn McKenzie, Southwestern Bell
Don Russell, EchoStar Communications
Amanda Batson or Kathy Grant, Texas Cable and Telecommunications Assoc

V.   Adjourn
