SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Business & Commerce TIME & DATE: 9:00AM, Tuesday, March 20, 2001 PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Room CHAIR: Senator David Sibley ___________________________________________________________________________ To be considered: SB 12 Nelson Relating to a prohibition of discrimination based on the use of certain medical information in the determination of eligibility for employment or an occupational license. SB 13 Nelson Relating to a prohibition of discrimination in the determination of eligibility for employment, occupational licenses, and health insurance coverage based on the use of certain genetic characteristics. SB 63 Moncrief / et al. Relating to a franchise tax credit for wages paid to persons with certain disabilities. SB 314 Sibley Relating to continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Banking and the regulation of certain financial institutions and businesses; providing an administrative penalty. SB 424 Shapleigh Relating to a state strategic health plan. SB 471 Carona Relating to deferred deposit loans. SB 550 Bernsen / et al. Relating to the creation of a life science task force. SB 564 Armbrister Relating to the funding and operation of the universal service fund. SB 601 Carona Relating to certain investments and rate reductions by insurance companies and related organizations; providing an administrative penalty. SB 604 Sibley Relating to the effect of disclosure by certain state governmental bodies of information that is confidential by law or excepted from public disclosure under the public information law. SB 624 Duncan Relating to the prohibition of certain waivers by employers and employees under the workers' compensation system. SB 804 Madla Relating to continuation of benefits for prescription drugs under certain group health benefit plans. SB 970 Madla Relating to certain diversity requirements for appointments to local workforce development boards. SB 1618 Armbrister Relating to the authority of electric cooperative corporations to receive indemnity from certain persons involved in mining lignite. Pending: SB 365 Armbrister Relating to the adoption of a uniform residential building code for use in the state. SB 429 Lucio Relating to the funding and administration of certain activities of the Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness. SB 578 Madla Relating to the provision of emergency communication services. ___________________________________________________________________________