SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Business & Commerce, Subcommittee on Border Affairs TIME & DATE: 1:30PM or upon adjournment Wednesday, March 21, 2001 PLACE: E1.016 CHAIR: Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. ___________________________________________________________________________ SB 192 Lucio / et al. Relating to inclusion of ports-of-entry in Texas Department of Transportation planning and funding. SB 195 Lucio Relating to the Border Trade Advisory Committee in the Texas Department of Transportation. SB 245 Shapleigh / et al. Relating to allocation of money for transportation projects. SB 1296 Lucio / et al. Relating to the issuance of general obligation securities to provide financial assistance to counties for roadway projects for colonias. SJR 37 Lucio / et al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of obligations to provide financial assistance to counties for roadways to serve colonias. SCR 7 Shapleigh Requesting the Texas Department of Transportation to collaborate with Mexico to develop and implement an electronic check and clearance system at border crossings in Mexico, including weigh-in motion technology. SCR 8 Shapleigh Requesting TxDOT to assist the federal government to establish DCLs at the Texas-Mexico border crossings in order to facilitate cross-border employment, and the free movement of people and goods. ___________________________________________________________________________