** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Intergovernmental Relations TIME & DATE: 8:00AM upon adjourn of Whole Wednesday, May 9, 2001 PLACE: Betty King Committee Room CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla Please note change of date, time and location. ___________________________________________________________________________ SB 1822 Armbrister Relating to the creation and to the administration, powers, duties, operation and financing of Hays County Water Control and Improvement District No. 4. HB 83 Gallego SP: Madla Relating to property, facilities, and equipment of the Big Bend Regional Hospital District. HB 119 West, George "Buddy" SP: Duncan Relating to the period for filing a petition for a place on the ballot for the board of directors of the Ector County Hospital District. HB 170 Christian SP: Staples Relating to the Nacogdoches County Hospital District. HB 298 West, George "Buddy" SP: Duncan Relating to the appointment of an assistant administrator for the Ector County Hospital District. HB 340 Keffer SP: Madla Relating to the acquisition by a county of a public interest in certain roads. HB 351 Truitt SP: Nelson Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to meet and transact business in a location other than the county seat. HB 370 Hinojosa SP: Lucio Relating to the fees imposed by certain counties for the preservation, restoration, and management of certain county records. HB 468 Solomons SP: Shapiro Relating to the transportation of and certain ad valorem tax liens on manufactured homes; providing a penalty. HB 602 Zbranek SP: Bernsen Relating to the creation and financing of hospital districts in small counties. HB 617 Puente SP: Madla Relating to the use of neighborhood associations in the enforcement of certain municipal health and safety ordinances. HB 820 Giddings SP: West, Royce Relating to the number of qualified businesses designated as enterprise projects in certain municipalities. HB 1022 McCall SP: Sibley Relating to the recording of expenditures of revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax. HB 1191 Williams SP: Bernsen Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to alter speed limits on county roads. HB 1394 Berman SP: Staples Relating to the creation of municipal courts of record in Bullard. HB 1445 Turner, Bob SP: Wentworth Relating to the authority of municipalities and counties to regulate subdivisions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality. HB 2167 Keel SP: Barrientos Relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court at Law Number 4 of Travis County. HB 2173 Krusee SP: Ogden Relating to the authority of certain local entities to create a presumption in a prosecution for an offense involving the parking, standing, or stopping of a motor vehicle. HB 2270 Bailey SP: Whitmire Relating to the jurisdiction of municipal courts of record over health and safety and nuisance abatement ordinances. HB 2273 Davis, Yvonne SP: Cain Relating to the hours worked during a week by police officers in certain municipalities. HB 2347 Raymond SP: Zaffirini Relating to a court fee to be used for courthouse security in Webb County. HB 2405 Gray SP: Bernsen Relating to regulating mass gatherings on public beaches in coastal counties; providing a penalty. HB 2559 Jones, Elizabeth SP: Shapiro Relating to the jurisdiction of a municipal court. HB 2579 Lewis, Ron SP: Bernsen Relating to annexation and incorporation procedures relating to certain unincorporated communities in certain counties. HB 2587 Counts SP: Haywood Relating to zoning in Kent County around Lake Alan Henry. HB 2677 Bailey SP: Whitmire Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms of employment of certain municipal employees. HB 2751 Jones, Elizabeth SP: Van de Putte Relating to the amount of compensation and allowances for county auditors. HB 2756 Ritter SP: Bernsen Relating to the recording of expenditures of revenue from the county hotel occupancy tax. HB 2757 Ritter SP: Bernsen Relating to the designation of certain land that includes a greenhouse as agricultural land for ad valorem tax appraisal purposes. HB 2758 Ritter SP: Bernsen Relating to the authority of certain counties to impose a hotel occupancy tax and to the rate of the tax. HB 2782 Villarreal, Mike SP: Madla Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to impose an application fee to be paid in connection with an application or request for county ad valorem tax abatement. HB 2873 Uher SP: Armbrister Relating to fees charged by district and county clerks for copies of records. HB 2972 Talton SP: Gallegos Relating to local control of police officer employment matters by certain municipalities. HB 3055 Dukes SP: Barrientos Relating to authorizing a county to pay the costs of an owner-controlled insurance program with the proceeds of certain securities issued by the county. HB 3121 Ritter SP: Armbrister Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation for property used to control pollution. HB 3161 Bonnen SP: Brown, J. E. "Buster" Relating to the expiration of certain subdivision plats. HB 3162 Brown, Fred SP: Ogden Relating to the payment of fees or costs to certain political subdivisions by credit card. HB 3172 Thompson SP: Van de Putte Relating to the authority of a county to establish public improvement districts. HB 3285 Farrar SP: Lindsay Relating to the issuance and refunding of anticipation notes and the financing of certain contracts by certain political subdivisions. HB 3298 Bonnen SP: Brown, J. E. "Buster" Relating to the contracting authority of and authorized uses for corporate revenue by certain industrial development corporations. HB 3312 Dunnam SP: Moncrief Relating to establishing a pilot program for state emergency medical dispatch resource centers. HB 3333 Woolley SP: Whitmire Relating to permissible investments by deferred compensation plans for employees of political subdivisions. HB 3383 Davis, Yvonne SP: Lucio Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation for certain community housing development organizations. HB 3451 Gallego SP: Lucio Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation. HB 3603 Capelo SP: Bernsen Relating to the paid leave and the return to duty for certain municipal peace officers and firefighters in certain circumstances. HB 3627 Hope SP: Bernsen Relating to the creation of the County Court at Law No. 4 of Montgomery County and to the jurisdiction, operation, and administration of the county courts at law in Montgomery County. HB 3633 Hope SP: Bernsen Relating to the operation of the East Montgomery County Improvement District. HB 3634 Farrar SP: Gallegos Relating to the creation of the Greater Northside Management District; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. HB 3639 Danburg SP: Brown, J. E. "Buster" Relating to the expansion of the boundaries and the number of members of the board of the Upper Kirby Management District. HB 3646 Kitchen SP: Barrientos Relating to the jurisdiction of and procedure in a county court at law in Travis County. HB 3647 Glaze SP: Cain Relating to the creation of the Smith County Economic Development District; providing the authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. HB 3649 Merritt SP: Cain Relating to the jurisdiction of and composition of juries in the County Court at Law of Gregg County. HB 3666 Miller SP: Sibley Relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court at Law of Erath County. HB 3677 Christian SP: Staples Relating to the composition of the Nacogdoches County Juvenile Board. HB 3680 Miller SP: Sibley Relating to the dissolution of the DeLeon Hospital District and the Comanche County Hospital District and the creation of the Comanche County Consolidated Hospital District. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: HB 1191 HB 2405 HB 3633