** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Finance TIME & DATE: 9:30AM, Thursday, March 29, 2001 PLACE: E1.036 CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis ___________________________________________________________________________ The Committee will consider the following: SB 512 Duncan Relating to the investment and management of the permanent school fund. SJR 20 Duncan Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the authority to invest and manage the permanent school fund. SB 976 Fraser Relating to establishing a permanent fund for veterans' care. SB 982 Duncan Relating to establishing uniform minimum ethics requirements for persons involved in the management or investment of state funds. SB 983 Duncan Relating to the authority of the boards of trustees of certain state retirement systems to contract with professional investment managers. SB 1013 West, Royce Relating to funding to enable Prairie View A&M University to qualify for agricultural research, extension, and education matching funds, including federal agricultural research and extension formula funds. SB 1060 Lindsay Relating to the transferability of appropriations and the suspension of statutory restrictions on the use of certain appropriations made to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. SB 1090 Ellis, Rodney Relating to codifying in general law various riders in the General Appropriations Act. SB 1123 Armbrister Relating to the enforcement and collection of taxes, fees, and other revenue; providing criminal penalties. SB 1125 Armbrister Relating to technical changes to statutes involving taxes or fees administered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. SB 1173 Wentworth Relating to authorizing the issuance of not more than $9 million in revenue bonds for the benefit of the Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Naval Museum. SB 1678 Jackson Relating to exempting certain electronic information services from the sales and use tax. Pending Items/Other Business: SB 344 Bivins Relating to the rates of the gas and oil severance taxes. SB 1611 Fraser Relating to the structure of the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company. Recess ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS DELETED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 615