NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

SUBCOMMITTEE: Conference Committee on SB1

TIME & DATE:  7:00AM, Wednesday, April 25, 2001

PLACE: E1.036

CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis


The Conference Committee will consider the following:

General Government Agencies:
*   Aerospace Commission, Texas
*   Economic Development, Texas Department of
*   Housing and Community Affairs, Department of
*   Lottery Commission, Texas
*   Transportation, Department of
*   Workforce Commission, Texas
*   Reimbursements to the Unemployment Compensation Benefit Account

Education Agencies:
*   Blind & Visually Impaired, School for the
*   Deaf, School for the
*   Special Provisions for the Schools for the Blind and Deaf
*   Teacher Retirement Program
*   Optional Retirement Program
*   Food and Fibers Commission, Texas
*   Food and Fibers Commission, Texas

Health and Human Service Agencies:
*   Aging, Department on
*   Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on
*   Blind, Commission for the
*   Cancer Council
*   Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Commission for the

