                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING


TIME & DATE: 11:30AM or upon adjournment
             Monday, May 7, 2001

PLACE: E1.036

CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis


The Committee will consider the following bills:

HB 1333            Junell                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to making emergency appropriations.

SB 1801            Ogden
Relating to the amount of tuition that a public institution of
higher education must set aside for Texas Public Education Grants.

HB 2071            Junell                   SP: Haywood
Relating to establishing a billing procedure to ensure that each
state agency is billed for the cost of support services allocated
to the agency under the statewide cost allocation plan.

HB 2378            Kuempel                  SP: Armbrister
Relating to the cigarette tax and providing a penalty.

HB 2604            McReynolds               SP: Duncan
Relating to assistance to certain volunteer fire departments and to
the imposition of an assessment on certain insurers to finance that

HB 2852            Junell                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain
miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds
designated by this Act; making appropriations.

HB 3064            Junell                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas
Public Finance Authority for certain construction and repair

HB 3097            Counts                   SP: Truan
Relating to the security provided for revenue bonds issued by the
Veterans' Land Board.

HJR 82            Counts                   SP: Truan
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the Veterans' Land
Board to issue additional general obligation bonds and to use
certain assets in certain funds to provide for veterans homes and
veterans cemeteries and to make certain payments on revenue bonds.

HJR 97            Junell                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of
general obligation bonds for construction and repair projects.

SCR 39            Van de Putte
Allowing Carmen R. Melenyzer to sue the State of Texas and John Cornyn,
Attorney General of the State of Texas.

SCR 42            Whitmire
Granting Gibson Recycling, Inc. permission to sue the State of Texas
and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

SCR 48            Bivins
Granting Cyral and Patricia Farley permission to sue the state and
the General Land Office.

HB 2190            Junell                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the establishment of debt issuance policies and
guidelines by the Bond Review Board.

SB 1838            Duncan
Relating to certain long-term care facilities.




SB 1838