NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or upon adjournment
             Monday, February 5, 2001

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Royce West


To consider the following:

SB 3            Duncan / et al.
Relating to establishing procedures for the preservation of
evidence containing DNA and postconviction DNA testing.

SB 203            Duncan
Relating to the summoning of potential grand jurors.

SB 204            Duncan
Relating to the separation of sequestered jurors in a criminal case
under certain circumstances.

SB 214            Bernsen
Relating to the statute of limitations for the presentation of
certain felony indictments.

SB 215            Bernsen
Relating to the punishment for the offense of evading arrest or

SB 233            Harris
Relating to parental liability for the conduct of a child.

SB 236            Harris
Relating to court-ordered medical support for certain children.
