SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Jurisprudence TIME & DATE: 1:30PM or upon adjournment Monday, February 26, 2001 PLACE: E1.012 CHAIR: Senator Royce West ___________________________________________________________________________ To consider the following: SB 113 Moncrief Relating to vehicle passenger safety systems. SB 181 Fraser Relating to the terms of court of the 32nd Judicial District. SB 252 Harris Relating to notice of the appointment of a receiver in a suit for dissolution of a marriage. SB 276 Shapleigh Relating to the application of a seal to an electronic document. SB 619 Van de Putte Relating to court-ordered social studies in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship. SB 719 West, Royce Relating to making a voter information guide for judicial elections available to the public. ___________________________________________________________________________