                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or upon adjournment
             Monday, April 23, 2001

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Royce West


To consider the following:

SB 548            Zaffirini
Relating to the appeal of a final court judgment sustaining or
negating certain suspensions of a driver's license.

SB 719            West, Royce
Relating to making a voter information guide for judicial elections
available to the public.

SB 1417            Lindsay
Relating to the compensation of guardians and temporary guardians
of the estate.

SB 1434            Ogden
Relating to the appointment and duties of magistrates for certain
courts of Brazos County.

SB 1436            West, Royce
Relating to an additional fee for filing civil cases in certain
Dallas County courts.

SB 1719            Harris
Relating to the authority of a guardian of the person of a ward to
consent to the voluntary admission of the ward to an inpatient
psychiatric facility.

SB 1787            Duncan
Relating to the composition of the 83rd Judicial District and to
the election of the district attorney for that district.

HB 62            Wolens / et al.          SP: Shapleigh
Relating to the authority of certain courts to try  civil cases at
institutions of higher education and other schools.

HB 317            Telford                  SP: West, Royce
Relating to the location where the court of appeals for the Sixth
Court of Appeals District transacts business.

HB 898            Thompson                 SP: Brown, J. E. "Buster"
Relating to the administration of certain property of incapacitated
persons, wards, and former wards.

HB 899            Thompson                 SP: West, Royce
Relating to a court order of retroactive child support.

HB 997            King, Phil               SP: Harris
Relating to the time in which a court may conduct a hearing or
render a final order in a suit to terminate the parent-child

HB 1132            Thompson                 SP: Bernsen
Relating to guardianships and other related matters concerning
incapacitated persons.

HB 1632            King, Phil               SP: Harris
Relating to certain requirements in connection with suits for the
termination of the parent-child relationship and the adoption of

HB 1634            King, Phil               SP: Harris
Relating to certain payments allowed in an adoption case.

HB 1790            Clark                    SP: Haywood
Relating to the requirement of notifying the parent or guardian of
a child who is referred to juvenile court but who is not taken into

HB 1979            Chavez                   SP: Shapleigh
Relating to the creation of additional statutory county courts in
El Paso County and to the administration, jurisdiction, and
operation of statutory and district courts in that county.

HB 2275            Giddings                 SP: Wentworth
Relating to the attorney general providing certain child support
enforcement information to the parties to a suit and to the public.

HB 2428            Goodman                  SP: Shapiro
Relating to the confidentiality of certain records of a
court-appointed volunteer advocate program.

Pending Business:

SB 1292            Van de Putte
Relating to a suit for legal separation in a marriage.

SB 1369            Van de Putte
Relating to pro bono community service programs to provide legal
services to the public and to participation in those programs for
continuing legal education credit.

SB 1584            Van de Putte
Relating to evidence of innocence in criminal trials.

SB 1585            Van de Putte
Relating to testimony of law enforcement in criminal court.

SB 1621            Barrientos
Relating to civil remedies for persons illegally denied the right
to rent a dwelling using a Section 8 Housing voucher.



SB 1417