NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Redistricting

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, April 11, 2001

PLACE: Senate Chamber

CHAIR: Senator Jeff Wentworth


I.     Call to Order
II.    Roll Call
III.   Adoption of Minutes
IV.    Committee Business

To consider the following:

SJR 35            Wentworth / et al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the time for
legislative and congressional redistricting following release of
the federal decennial census.

HB 1754            Gutierrez                SP: Van de Putte
Relating to the effect of redistricting by a junior college
district on the terms of the current members of the district's
board of trustees.

V.    Invited Testimony
      A.  Steve Murdock, Chief Demographer for the Texas State Data
      B.  Briefing on Status of Pending Lawsuits-Jonathan Snare and
          Michael Hemer
VI.   Public Testimony
VII.  Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
