                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, March 20, 2001

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Jane Nelson

To Consider The Following:

The following nominees will appear:

Texas Transportation Commission

Richard F. Williamson    Appointed 02-19-01 for a          Sibley
Parker County            term to expire 02-01-07

Texas State Board of Medical Examiners

Jose Manuel Benavides    Appointed 06-28-99 for a          Van de Putte
Bexar County             term to expire 04-14-05

David E. Garza           Appointed 06-28-99 for a          Zaffirini
Webb County              term to expire 04-14-05

Elvira Pascua-Lim        Appointed 11-22-00 for a          Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 04-13-01

Joyce A. Roberts         Appointed 06-28-99 for a          Ratliff
Franklin County          term to expire 04-14-05

Nancy M. Seliger         Appointed 06-28-99 for a          Bivins
Randall County           term to expire 04-14-05

Paulette B. Southard     Appointed 06-28-99 for a          Truan
Jim Wells County         term to expire 04-14-05

Finance Commission of Texas

Vernon W. Bryant, Jr.    Appointed 07-10-00 for a          Harris
Parker County            term to expire 02-01-06

Jacqueline G. Humphrey   Appointed 07-10-00 for a          Bivins
Potter County            term to expire 02-01-06

John L. Snider           Appointed 07-10-00 for a          Staples
Shelby County            term to expire 02-01-06

Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees

Patsy W. Nichols         Appointed 12-21-99 for a          Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-03

Alan W. Steelman         Appointed 09-03-99 for a          Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 02-01-05

Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund Board of Directors

Marion L. Brem           Appointed 09-09-99 for a          Truan
Nueces County            term to expire 02-01-05

Richard A. Cooper        Appointed 09-09-99 for a          Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 02-01-05

George Wesch, Jr.        Appointed 09-09-99 for a          Wentworth
Comal County             term to expire 02-01-05

State Employee Charitable Campaign Policy Committee

Maria (Mary) L. Banda    Appointed 05-15-00 for a          Lucio
Hidalgo County           term to expire 01-01-02

Mary S. Goldwater        Appointed 05-15-00 for a          Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 01-01-02

Robert K. Skaggs         Appointed 05-15-00 for a          Jackson
Galveston County         term to expire 01-01-02

David W. Standlee, Sr.   Appointed 05-15-00 for a          Ogden
Walker County            term to expire 01-01-02

The following nominees will not appear:

North Texas Tollway Authority

Printice L. Gary         Appointed 11-28-00 for a          Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 09-01-02

Municipal Retirement System Board of Trustees

Carolyn M. Liner         Appointed 09-01-00 for a          Armbrister
Hays County              term to expire 02-01-01

Texas Commission on Private Security

Jacob M. Monty           Appointed 11-16-99 for a          Lindsay
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-05

Joan T. Neuhaus          Appointed 11-16-99 for a          Brown
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-01

Ben C. Nix               Appointed 11-16-99 for a          Harris
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-05

Charlene Ritchey         Appointed 11-16-99 for a          Haywood
Cooke County             term to expire 01-31-03

Michael H. Samulin       Appointed 11-16-99 for a          Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-05

Board of Trustees of the Texas County and District Retirement System

Charlotte A. Carey       Appointed 05-11-00 for a          Madla
Pecos County             term to expire 12-31-03

Martha Gustavsen         Appointed 05-11-00 for a          Bernsen
Montgomery County        term to expire 12-31-05

Mitchell E. Liles        Appointed 05-11-00 for a          Carona
Denton County            term to expire 12-31-05

Amador E. Reyna          Appointed 05-11-00 for a          Staples
Hardin County            term to expire 12-31-05

Motor Vehicle Board of the Texas Department of Transportation

James R. Leonard         Appointed 11-29-99 for a          Haywood
Taylor County            term to expire 01-31-01

Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilites

James Terry Boyd         Appointed 04-06-00 for a          Moncrief
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-01

Chuck Brewton            Appointed 04-06-00 for a          Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-05

Paul J. Calapa           Appointed 04-06-00 for a          Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 01-31-03

Margaret (Meg) Pfluger   Appointed 04-06-00 for a          Duncan
Tom Green County         term to expire 01-31-05

Cathy J. Williams        Appointed 04-06-00 for a          Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-05
