                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, March 27, 2001

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Jane Nelson

To consider the following:

The following nominees will appear:

Texas Board on Aging

Ronald Brandon           Appointed 08-30-99 for a         Wentworth
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-03

Ben E. Dickerson         Appointed 07-13-99 for a         Sibley
McLennan County          term to expire 02-01-05

Nancy L. Lund            Appointed 07-13-99 for a         Ratliff
Bowie County             term to expire 02-01-01

Richard E. Tankerson     Appointed 04-06-00 for a         Madla/
Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-05          Zaffirini

Nelda P. Wray            Appointed 07-13-99 for a         Brown
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-01

T. L. Mitchell           Appointed 07-13-99 for a         Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-05

Texas Health Care Information Council

Candus M. Ater           Appointed 09-01-00 for a         Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 09-01-05

Lewis E. Foxall          Appointed 03-09-00 for a         Brown
Harris County            term to expire 09-01-05

Jacinto P. Juarez        Appointed 03-09-00 for a         Zaffirini
Webb County              term to expire 09-01-05

Ruben D. Martinez        Appointed 03-09-00 for a         Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 09-01-05

Karl W. Swann            Appointed 05-17-00 for a         Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire09-01-03

Verna Thomas-Melton      Appointed 03-09-00 for a         Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 09-01-05

Texas Board of Human Services

Jon M. Bradley           Appointed 03-06-01 for a         Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 01-20-03

Manson B. Johnson        Appointed 03-06-01 for a         Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 01-20-07

John A. Cuellar          Appointed 02-24-00 for a         Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 01-20-05

Teresa D. Wilkinson      Appointed 02-24-00 for a         Bivins
Midland County           term to expire 01-20-05

Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

Robert W. Lambert        Appointed 12-03-99 for a         Wentworth
Llano County             term to expire 02-01-05

Board of Directors of the Central Colorado River Authority

Alice E. Hemphill        Appointed 11-16-00 for a         Fraser
Coleman County           term to expire 02-01-05

John S. Hensley          Appointed 11-16-00 for a         Fraser
Coleman County           term to expire 02-01-05

Ben J. Scott             Appointed 11-16-00 for a         Fraser
Coleman County           term to expire 02-01-05

Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners

Pedro V. Garcia, Jr.     Appointed 08-24-99 for a         Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 01-31-03

Meng-Sheng Linda Lin     Appointed 08-24-99 for a         Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 1-31-01

Marshall D. Voris        Appointed 08-24-99 for a         Truan
Nueces County            term to expire 1-31-05

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Vidal Gonzalez           Appointed 03-13-01 for a         Madla
Val Verde County         term to expire 01-31-07

Shadrick Bogany          Appointed 03-13-01 for a         Ellis
Fort Bend County         term to expire 01-31-07

The following nominees will not appear:

Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

T. Ross Bailey           Appointed 08-10-99 for a         Moncrief
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-05

Elicia Leal              Appointed 08-10-99 for a         Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 01-31-05

State Board of Marriage and Family Therapists

Brenda B. VanAmburgh    Appointed 06-09-99 for a         Moncrief
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-05

Nursing Facility Administrators Advisory Committee

Sylvia Acosta            Appointed 06-23-99 for a        Wentworth
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-05

Texas Board on Occupational Therapy Examiners

Judith E. Bowen          Appointed 09-01-00 for a        Lucio
Hidalgo County           term to expire 02-01-05

Joseph A. Messmer        Appointed 09-01-00 for a        Truan
Nueces County            term to expire 02-01-01

Windi Morris-Fuller      Appointed 09-01-00 for a        Fraser
Mitchell County          term to expire 02-01-03

Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

Joyce M. Adams           Appointed 03-06-01 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 09-06-01

Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

Steve G. Beever          Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Zaffirini
Frio County              term to expire 02-01-05

Ernest R. Garza          Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Truan
Nueces County            term to expire 02-01-05

Beth R. Knolle           Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Truan
Jim Wells County         term to expire 02-01-05

Homero J. Saenz          Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Zaffirini
Dimmit County            term to expire 02-01-05

J.R. Schneider           Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Zaffirini
Live Oak County          term to expire 02-01-05

Roxana P. Tom            Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Zaffirini
Atascosa County          term to expire 02-01-05

Leroy B. Vaden, Jr.      Appointed 12-20-00 for a        Zaffirini
Uvalde County            term to expire 02-01-05

Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

James R. Goodman         Appointed 10-09-00 for a         Ratliff
Red River County         term to expire 02-01-05

Judy W. Lee              Appointed 10-09-00 for a         Ratliff
Titus County             term to expire 02-01-05

On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

Therese M. Baer          Appointed 12-21-99 for a         Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 09-01-01

Franz K. Hiebert         Appointed 12-21-99 for a         Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 09-01-01

Lois J. Koock            Appointed 12-21-99 for a         Wentworth
Mason County             term to expire 09-01-01

Danny R. Moss            Appointed 12-21-99 for a         Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 09-01-01

Cynthia D. Williams      Appointed 07-10-00 for a         Bivins
Ector County             term to expire 09-01-01

Barry D. Bedwell         Appointed 02-22-01 for a         Bivins
Randall County           term to expire 09-01-02

Karen S. Berryman        Appointed 02-22-01 for a         Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 09-01-02

John R. Blount           Appointed 02-22-01 for a         Brown
Harris County            term to expire 09-01-02

Teri H. Mathis           Appointed 02-22-01 for a         Brown
Fort Bend County         term to expire 09-01-02

Charles M. Rutledge      Appointed 02-22-01 for a         Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 09-01-02
