NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Natural Resources

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Friday, May 11, 2001

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator J. E. "Buster" Brown


The Committee will meet to hear the following:

HCR 245            Thompson / et al.        SP: West, Royce
Honoring Naomi Carrier Grundy and Allen Grundy for their efforts to
document the Texas Underground Railroad and directing the Texas
Historical Commission and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
to support continued research on the Underground Railroad.

SCR 54            Bernsen
Memorializing Congress to remove trade, financial, and travel
restrictions relating to Cuba.

HCR 177            Eiland                   SP: Jackson
Designating March 2001 as Dolphin Awareness Month and commending
the work of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

HB 1317            Farabee                  SP: Haywood
Relating to financial security requirements for certain oil well

HB 2518            Kuempel                  SP: Haywood
Relating to the issuance of certain permits for the emission of air

HB 3676            Chisum                   SP: Haywood
Relating to the board of directors and the taxing authority of the
Collingsworth County Underground Water Conservation District.

HB 631            Turner, Sylvester        SP: Whitmire
Relating to fines for illegal dumping.

HB 3243            Gallego                  SP: Madla
Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties,
operation, and financing of the Kinney County Groundwater
Conservation District; granting the power of eminent domain and
conditionally granting authority to levy property taxes.
