NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, May 2, 2001

PLACE: E1.028

CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister

Consideration of the following:

SB 1453            Lucio
Relating to the eligibility of certain defendants convicted of
felonies for release on bail pending appeal.

SB 1455            Lucio
Relating to the dissemination of certain information relating to a

SB 1701            Staples
Relating to the use of previous convictions in the punishment of
certain repeat and habitual felony offenders.

HB 236            Hinojosa / et al.        SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital
offense committed by a person with mental retardation.

HB 587            Thompson                 SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the investigation and prosecution of an offense
motivated by bias or prejudice and to other civil and criminal
remedies for and protections against certain hateful acts.

HB 1287            Thompson                 SP: Whitmire
Relating to the establishment of drug court programs and to a study
of drug court programs by the Criminal Justice Policy Council.

HB 1314            Hopson                   SP: Staples
Relating to requiring certain inmates of the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice to participate in treatment programs.

HB 2494            Haggerty                 SP: Armbrister
Relating to the ratification of the Interstate Compact for Adult
Offender Supervision.

HB 2663            Grusendorf               SP: Armbrister
Relating to a license or permit for certain sex offenders to
operate a motor vehicle or commercial motor vehicle.

Pending Business
