                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Health & Human Services

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM or upon adjournment
             Friday, May 11, 2001

PLACE: State Capitol, 3E.4

CHAIR: Senator Mike Moncrief

The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will meet at
8 a.m. or upon adjournment of the Texas Senate in room 3E.4 of the
State Capitol.  The committee will take up and consider the following:

HB 43            McClendon / et al.       SP: Gallegos
Relating to the consideration of income earned by certain
recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits for
eligibility determination purposes.

HB 1099            Chisum                   SP: Carona
Relating to regulation of radioactive materials and other sources
of radiation.

HB 1537            Coleman                  SP: Moncrief
Relating to a study and a pilot program regarding the provision of
medical assistance and certain health benefits plan coverage for
children of migrant or seasonal agricultural workers.

HB 1719            Eiland                   SP: Van de Putte
Relating to prohibiting certain persons and entities from banning
the use of recording devices during the delivery of a child.

HB 1887            Janek                    SP: Carona
Relating to the rights of patients receiving mental health

HB 2419            Coleman                  SP: Moncrief
Relating to charity care requirements for certain hospitals.

HB 2650            Capelo                   SP: Madla
Relating to requiring hepatitis C training for registered nurses.

HB 2807            Kitchen                  SP: Barrientos
Relating to a demonstration project to extend Medicaid coverage to
certain low-income individuals.

HB 3153            Capelo                   SP: Gallegos
Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain
professional associations.

HCR 202            Lewis, Ron               SP: Bernsen
Directing the Health and Human Services Commission to redesignate the
Doctors Hospital of Groves from an urban hospital to a rural hospital.

HCR 223            Coleman                  SP: Moncrief
Directing the Texas Department of Health to prepare a list of foods
and beverages fortified with calcium for use by each primary and secondary
school in Texas.

HCR 235            Delisi                   SP: Nelson
Commending the Women in Government organization and encouraging
each state agency and state education institution to take action to
achieve improved and equal access for women to health care.

Pending Business:

HB 3507            Maxey                    SP: Moncrief
Relating to the regulation of dentistry and the provision of dental

SB 1152            Van de Putte
Relating to establishing the Tex Rx plan.



HB 2807
HB 3507


HB 3153