** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations TIME & DATE: 1:00PM or upon adjournment Monday, April 23, 2001 PLACE: Lt. Gov's Committee Room CHAIR: Senator Carlos F. Truan ___________________________________________________________________________ I. To consider the following: SB 1815 Truan Relating to establishing a loan program to assist communities that may be affected by federal military base closures. HB 271 Berman / et al. SP: Truan Relating to the ineligibility of certain veterans to receive benefits under the Veterans' Land Program and the Veterans' Housing Assistance Program. HCR 11 Wise SP: Shapleigh Conferring the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor on Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez. HCR 119 Crabb SP: Lindsay Supporting the continued search for missing United States military personnel and civilians. HCR 201 Hunter SP: Truan Memorializing the U.S. Congress to take appropriate action to prevent further desecration of the SS Leopoldville or any of its contents. II. Pending business: SB 1558 Madla Relating to defense base development authorities. SB 1160 Truan Relating to the location of new veterans homes. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS DELETED AFTER LAST POSTING: HB 310