SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations TIME & DATE: 3:00PM or upon adjournment Wednesday, May 9, 2001 PLACE: The Betty King Cmte. Room CHAIR: Senator Carlos F. Truan ___________________________________________________________________________ I. To consider the following: HB 2040 Hawley SP: Zaffirini Relating to defense base development authorities created by certain municipalities. HB 2988 Gutierrez SP: Haywood Relating to the execution of bonds and the sale of loans by the Veterans' Land Board. HB 3387 Dunnam SP: Sibley Relating to the disposition of public property in a defense economic readjustment zone. HCR 209 Noriega SP: Truan Honoring the 49th Armored Division of the Texas National Guard for its impressive peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia. HCR 217 Madden SP: Truan Recognizing children born outside of Texas to native Texans serving in the United States Armed Forces as honorary Texans. II. Pending Business: HB 116 Najera SP: Truan Relating to registration with the Selective Service System of certain applicants for a driver's license. ___________________________________________________________________________