HB 587
Judicial Affairs Committee

February 19, 2001 -  2:00P or upon final adjourn./recess
    For:      Bates, Patty (Self and Greater Dallas Community
              Relations Commission)
              Bledsoe, Gary (Texas NAACP)
              Briskman, Mark L. (Anti-Defamation League, N TX, OK & SW
              Brittain, Dean John C. (Self)
              Brooks, Joel (American Jewish Congress & TX Alliance for
              Hate Crimes Legislation)
              Byrd, Stella (Self and The James Byrd Family)
              Byrd, Sr., James (Self)
              Foshage, Rev. Ron (The Most Reverend Curtis Guillory)
              Gura, Ruth-Ellen (Travis Co. District Attorney)
              Harrell, William (ACLU of Texas)
              Harris, Steve (Self)
              Hinojosa, Walter (Texas AFL-CIO)
              Levy, Professor Martin (Self)
              Lyons, Rev. Kenneth O. (Byrd Family & a friend of Father
              Ron Foshage)
              Malcolm, Molly Beth (TX Democratic Party)
              Martino, Kelly (Self)
              Nevelow, Donna (Self)
              Overstreet, Morris (Self)
              Rigby, Jim (Self)
              Ross, Maria (Self)
              Saldana, Cruz (Self)
              Smoot, Samantha (Texas Freedom Network)
              Truax, Noah (Self)
    Against:  Armstrong, Bo (TX Eagle Forum)
              Bryan, Thomas (Self)
              Levin, Marc (Young Conservatives of TX, TX Eagle Forum,
              American Freedom Center)
              Markham, Anne (Self)
              Zook, Nathan (Self)
    On:       Meteyer, Rudy (Young Comnservatives of TX, College
              Repubs., Libertarian Longhorns & Students for Colorblind
  Committee Substitute (Thompson/CSHB 587)
    For:      Levy, Professor Martin (Self)