HB 1445


Intergovernmental Relations Committee

May 9, 2001 -  8:00A upon adjourn of Whole
       FOR:       Erben, Andy Director Govern. Relatons (KB Homes),
                         Austin, TX
       AGAINST:   Canales, Judith Ass. City Manager (City Eagle Pass),
                         Eagle Pass, TX
                  Conner, Marcia Ass. City Manager (City of Austin),
                         Austin, TX
                  Horton, Susan General Counsel (TX Municipal League),
                         Austin, TX
                  Shute, Tom Ass. City Attorney (City of San Antonio),
                         San Antonio, TX
       ON:        Lee, Donald Executive Director (TX Conference Urban
                         Counties), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Weaver, Terry President Real Estate Development Co.
                         (Steeling Development & TX Assoc. Builders),
                         Midlothian, TX
       Against:   Martinez, Mario none listed (City of Laredo),
                         Austin, TX
                  Patterson, Ron Director of Planning (City of San
                         Marcos), San Marcos, TX
                  Riley, Bob Director of Development (City of Fort
                         Worth), Ft.Worth, TX
                  Velasquez, Sally Governmental Liason (Webb County),
                         Austin, TX
       On:        Sisk, Cathy none listed (Harris County), Houston, TX