HB 1629


Natural Resources Committee

April 10, 2001 -  2:00P
       FOR:       Barho, Jim Chairman (Lake Buchanan Advisory Panel),
                         Burnet, TX
                  Beal, Joseph General Manager (LCRA), Bastrop, TX
                  Burke, John Chair (Region K), Bastrop, TX
                  Habiger, Eugene CEO/ President (San Antonio Water
                         System), San Antonio, TX
                  Oakley, James Commissioner (Burnet County), Burnet,
                  Simon, Haskell Vice Chair (Region K Planning Group),
                         Bay City, TX
       ON:        Hess, Myron Legal Counsel (National Wildlife
                         Federation), Austin, TX
                  Kramer, Ken Director (Lone Star Chapter, Sierra
                         Club), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Butler, Susan Water Resources Director (San Antonio
                         Water System), San Antonio, TX
                  Howe, Billy associate Legislative Director (Texas
                         Farm Bureau), Austin, TX
                  Johnson, Russell Water Counsel (San Antonio Water
                         System), San Antonio, TX
                  Pickens, William Groundwater Advisor (Colorado
                         County), Columbus, TX
                  Woodard, Shayne (Texas Rice Producers Legislative
                         Group), Austin, TX
       On:        Brittin, Carolyn Water Program Coordinator (TNRCC),
                         Austin, TX
                  Hubert, Martin Deputy Commissioner (TX Dept. of
                         Agriculture), Austin, TX

April 19, 2001 -  2:00P
       FOR:       Beal, Joseph General Manager (LCRA), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Hengtes, Sandy Director of Government Relations
                         (Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce), Austin,
       On:        Brittin, Carolyn Water Program Coordinator (TNRCC),
                         Austin, TX