WITNESS LIST HB 2912 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT Environmental Regulation Committee March 20, 2001 - 2:00P For: Allison, Jim (County Judges & Commissioners Association of Texas) Alvarez, Ramon (Environmental Defense) Anderson, Sparky (Clean Water Action) Beving, Rita (Self) Collins, Gene (NAACP -- Odessa) Curry, Susan (Self) Fisher, Jon (Texas Chemical Council) Gramstorff, Jeanne B. (United Methodist Women) Greenway, William (Self and Texas Impact) Gregory, Bob (Texas Chapter of National Solid Wastes Management Assoc.) Griffith, Lucille (Self) Guerrero, Roland (American Electronics Association) Haragan, Kelly (Public Citizen's Texas Office) Kramer, Ken (Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club & the Alliance for a Clean Texas) Lowerre, Richard (Self and Del Rio, (Kleberg), WNHW(Hays), STAND, ACCORD,STOP,CARE,SWAT,CHG,RGA, MEG,CCOS, SSOC, STANDofAma.) Maschino, Tamara (Self) Miksa, Mary (Texas Association of Business & Chambers of Commerce) Morphew, Cindy (Texas Oil & Gas Association) Parten, Ed (Texas Black Bass Unlimited & Texas Ass. of Bass Clubs) Peterson, Ken (Texas Rural Water Association) Polewarczyk, Arlene L. (Self) Roten, Merle (Self) Schneider, Robin (Texas Campaign for the Environment) Sisk, Cathy (Harris County Pollution Control) West, Walter (Texas Black Bass Unlimited & Sam Rayburn Community) Wilson, Christine (Self) Worden, Thebe (Texas Impact) On: Glacken, Shawn (Association of Electric Companies of Texas) Huston, Robert (TNRCC) Saitas, Jeff (TNRCC)