SB 595


Health & Human Services Committee

March 1, 2001 -  9:00A
       AGAINST:   McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union), Austin, TX
       ON:        Langley, F.M. Executive Director (Texas State Board
                         of Medical Examiners), Austin, TX
                  Riddering, Hannah Vice President (Texas National
                         Organization of Women), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Freeman, Harold Legislative Affairs (Texas Medical
                         Association), Austin, TX
       Against:   Prough, Andrew Deputy Director (Citizens Commission
                         on Human Rights), Austin, TX

March 15, 2001 -  9:00A

   Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Langley, F.M. Executive Director (Texas State Board
                         of Medical Examiners), Austin, TX

March 19, 2001 - 10:00A

   Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Langley, F.M. Executive Director (Board of Medical
                         Examiners), Austin, TX